Cricket scoring No.3

Published 2020-04-19
Here is video 3 of 22. In this video I go over the details that need to be attended to prior to the first ball being bowled.
What details need to be filled in and where on the score sheet.

When filling in score books/sheets there are a number of ways of doing it with regards the colours of the pens/pencils you use. There are arguments for and against each approach. I'll be filling in the score sheets using differing colours for each bowler. When you're learning this might over-complicate things a little and you might opt to use a single colour (Black or blue) for the whole process. The advantage of the multi-coloured approach is that it's much easier to identify mistakes when you come to 'Balancing' the score sheet.

The key to working with either way, is to practice in a situation where you're not under pressure e.g. scoring alongside someone who already knows how to do it and is the primary scorer. Or as I suggest, practice at home in front of a computer watching full recordings of whole matches of video games (Xbox or PS4) such as Don Bradman 19 or Cricket 19. Once you've had some practice then move on to full matches from the BBL or similar, all of which can be found on Youtube.

One other thing I'll mention at this point that I'll cover in a future video is the fact that if you're unfamiliar with the players you might need to make additional notes (Notebook or paper) about how you can differentiate them. Look at the helmets, caps, shoes, clothing details or bat stickers for differences so that you know which batter is who, as you can easily lose track of who is who.

The next video will feature how to start to record the 'Play' in the score book.

Update July 2020 – The rate at which I’m producing these videos has dropped off and it’ll be a while before the rest are made. In the meantime a lot of the details and explanations can be found on one of my blogs – click the links here below.………………

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