Ironman Coeur d'Alene Post Race Thoughts

Published 2021-06-29

All Comments (21)
  • @nathanluther39
    2 years ago I felt defeated in life. I have a lung and heart condition that left me with a Vo2 max of 23 and lung function of 53%. I was on the back end of 2 major surgeries and lived on pain pills not being able to do anything but sit on a couch all day. In 2019 I had a final surgery to relieve pressure from the right side of my heart and decided at that point I would literally die before I stayed inside my house in my comfort zone another day. I found Lionel while looking for some motivation in the midst of withdrawing cold turkey from 2 years of opioids ever day and felt some connection to his story and would watch any content I could find. I now train tri even though I haven't raced. I went from not running .1 of mile to running 6 miles at a 9:30/mile pace from barely pushing 150 watts to a threshold of 265 watts and from feeling like I couldn't breathe in the lap pool to swimming 500 meters all on 50% lung function and a stressed out heart. I know it sucks to not win I'm also a highly competitive person and my own worst critique. But thanks for sharing this with us. The imprint you make on peoples life is huge - at least the imprint you made on mine. Stay relentless brother it will all be worth it
  • @GarbageLegs
    Absolutely insane conditions on course this weekend. I offered as many words of encouragement I could muster when I passed Lionel (on his last lap, on my first) but seeing him suffer made me want to push on even more. Finishing and surviving were the ultimate goals. Not my best second half on the bike and the run was abysmal but I'm still proud of my 11:31 for my first ever Ironman.
  • @the1gofer
    He finished on his feet, still inspiring.
  • @theologiapraxis
    “I don’t know if it’s realistic, but that’s what I damn well intend to do.” His tenacity and perseverance inspires me.
  • @fritsgerms3565
    Come to Germany. Race Jan and have fun. Germans will come watch, not because they care who win, but because they want to celebrate the sport with you and have a nice day. Jan might have some pointers for you.
  • If he is able to figure out is Nutrition/Hydration on the Ironman distance he will be unstoppable. He has the drive and the heart hopefully in the near future we will see him on the podium.
  • @byronmiller8367
    Mad respect. “Talbot just think about that for a second” - one of the greatest lines.
  • Lionel your a bad ass man. I was standing at the finish as you made your way through shouting for you. Don't listen to any of these knucklehead haters who have no respect. Your a hero dude keep kicking ass and posting videos! GO LS!!
  • @imterribee
    This race only reminded me why you’re my favorite in this sport. You’re on the same level as David Goggins for me. You show us what is possible from a human. I LOVE the fact that you finished this race, especially because you had to walk. When Lionel walks, I know it’s because he just can’t run anymore. Mad respect from me for finishing. It drives me crazy when pros DNF because they have another race around the corner. I get the idea of strategy, but I think for sponsored athletes it should be more important to have a solid fan base rather than winning some races that no one really cares about the next day. You get fans by inspiring people. DNF’s don’t inspire unless of course the DNF was absolutely necessary and not because you wanted to save your legs so you can do better next time. You definitely inspired me and there is no question that you’re my favorite after this race. I’m sure many people feel the same way.
  • @jaredfink5146
    I love this dude’s attitude sooooo freakin much. When he gets asked “do you deserve a Kona spot?” he doesn’t miss a beat, “no”. Thanks for making the video even though you don’t feel like it.
    "Talbot think about it for a second" lol love it. love following you Lionel!
  • This content speaks to me so much more than the other channels out there. Its honest and open. This video motivates me more than all of the overcoming the odds to win content, because I feel it. I've walked the end of a run when I just couldn't get me body to go any further and it felt AWFUL. Watching Lionel do it live was extremely difficult because I was rooting hard for him to win big. But seeing him come out the other side, not hiding from it, doing a video when I know he absolutely doesn't want to, that really speaks to me. We all have completely shit days, but the next time I screw up a race, or it's just so hot my body can't perform, this is what I'll draw on for the energy to finish, get up the next day, and start planning for the race after.
  • Glad you aren't announcing retirement. I'm sorry you had such a rough race. Your 9th mile split was insane fast 4:59...that's world class for 26.2 alone and after 112 bike!
  • @PlayfulCoaCoa
    Massive improvement in your swim Lionel. Hang tough.
  • @luisbarraza9709
    “No Limits, even when you are in last place” love it 🔥
  • @corbingetz3123
    Seeing this after that race is even more inspiring than if you finished 1st. Excited to watch the inevitable bounce back