Olga (Supermode, 2010)

Published 2018-06-24
This track was recorded waaay back in 2009 by my mate Chris Darling and I. We recorded a whole album worth of stuff, under the name "Supermode". I would say its the most productive musical collaboration I have ever had with someone else - we recorded a bunch of decent tracks. This one is perhaps the most ridiculous, and I guess was never intended to be a serious track, but I think it turned out quite well - and it is also the track from which we named our band/project/whatever you call 2 dudes recording songs. I still can't help but laugh when I hear this. Chris is hilarious.

Also, it looks like there is another band out there called Supermode. Fuck them. They are imposters. We were the real Supermode. Even if nobody heard of us.

I shouldn't need to write this, but this track is not to be taken too seriously... and please, Olga Kurylenko, don't sue us! If anything, it's a compliment, in the most stupid fucking way.


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