U.S. History: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver takes a look at how the history of race in America is taught in schools, how we can make those teachings more accurate, and why it’s in everyone's best interest to understand the most realistic version of the past.

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コメント (21)
  • @gott9712
    Imagine us Germans teaching history like "there was Hitler but we overcame him and now there is no more antisemitism" All of which would be wrong
  • Take it from a German: Knowing your own history is important, no matter how uncomfortable it is.
  • If you’re not uncomfortable at some point during history class, either it’s being taught wrong or you lack empathy for other human beings.
  • “If this is the first time that you’re learning about the only coup on American soil…” that quote aged itself 🥲
  • My U.S. history teacher in 11th grade was a college professor , and just straight up told us the curriculum text books were crap. Then proceeded to teach us about the taking of America, the slaughter of Native Americans and slavery through the years. I guess looking back I'm very thankful he did, for i didn't have to grow up ignorant to the reality that is the United States of America.
  • Here in Australia we have a similar problem. Allow me to sum it up: "And then all the aboriginal people's just dissapeared"
  • I had a third grade teacher who African American and she didn’t hold back when she talked about the civil war and civil rights movement. Seeing footage of people being beaten and hosed still stick with me to this day and I’m thankful for that
  • As a texan who went to private school (as recently as class of ‘18), let me tell you the mental gymnastics are INSANE. We’re taught that Robert E Lee was a “tragic hero,” and that Andrew Jackson was one of the most “effective” Presidents in history. My personal favorite though is books that claim Stonewall Jackson was a “legendary tactician” yet in the same breath add that he died from being shot by his own men. Because he decided to lead a firing squad ambush at NIGHT... From atop his horse.
  • I remember in high school my teacher got pissed when we got to the civil war in the new textbook. It claimed it was because of states rights. He stopped the class for 2 days to make it clear it was because of slavery. He was a vet, and he was proud of his country, even the horrible parts. He said that pretending we had no issues was an insult to everyone who ever tried to make the US better. Although we still never covered juneteenth.
  • I'm German and i sometimes feel like i was educated better on american history than some Americans were.
  • What really staggers me about "the worst day in America is better than the best day in any other country" is not that meatheads say it, it's that nobody seems in any way aware of how completely untrue and toxic that is.
  • Complaining about Obama bringing up politics at John Lewis's funeral is like complaining about someone talking about basketball at Kobe's funeral.
  • it is illegal to deny that the holocaust happened here in germany and it is impossible to not learn about it at least 2-3 times in school. we don't sugarcoat it to make sure something like that can not happen ever again. due to this, national pride is low here, but we work to build a better future. we don't dwell in the past, but it is important to know it to move forward.
  • Thank you for addressing this! As a grandfather of mixed grandbabies i want to be able to teach them everything possible from history good or bad. So they can make informed choice as the grow. Im the only father figure in their lives and even though im mixed myself, white and Hispanic, im not African American and I will reach out to my friends who are for help at times. I try my hardest to inform myself to raise them right. This was just a step in my growth. Thank you!
  • For those of you who are a bit confused about why scientists would put in the effort to recreate some random mummy's voice; Nesyamun was a priest in Thebes, during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses XI. It is thought that him singing, or rather humming melodies played a big part in his duties for ceremonies and rituals. Imagining that his voice hasn't been heard for thousands of years on this earth, and is now "back" for us to hear, makes the work put into it seem much more worth it, at least in my opinion.
  • I grew up in Illinois were I was taught that Native American were “functionally extinct” despite being indigenous myself all the way trough high school. Illinois wanted to make sure I felt like a fool so when I said I was native my second grade teacher said “ok so how about you play the pilgrim today” and when I said I didn’t want to be the bad guy she said pilgrim were the good guys who taught native how to use technology. My teachers in high school made me come in, in full dress just to laugh at me along with my classmates and talk about how my culture was “silly”. The same teacher who called manifest destiny amazing because now we had Disney land. Total bullshit. It doesn’t surprise me that in talking about white supremacy you left natives out because when talking about the redskins changing their name almost every news channel said natives were “waiting” for years. We weren’t waiting.
  • Best quote ever: “ History, when taught well, shows us how to improve the world, but when taught poorly, falsely claims there is nothing to improve.” John Oliver, 8/2/2020
  • Speaking truth to power with incredibly raw wit and wisdom once again. Thank you John Oliver and Team
  • John Oliver's content aims right for the bullseye, week after week. We need him! Keep up the good work, JO, glad to have you as an ally.