One Key Component That Should Concern Ohio State Fans

Published 2024-07-09
Ohio State seems to be looking like they’re going to finish with the #1 overall recruiting class in 2025 and it looks like it’s a well rounded class, but there’s one thing that fans aren’t paying attention to…. It hasn’t been paid attention to the last three years…That’s recruiting at the offensive line position. The big question lately has been….Can Justin Frye recruit and can he even develop? #ohiostate #ohiostatefootball #ohiostatebuckeyesfootball #ohiostatebuckeyes #buckeyenation #buckeyefootball #ohiostatefootballnews #ohiostatefootballrecruitingnews #ohiostatefootballrecruiting #osu #ohiostatefan #collegefootball #collegefootballpreview #collegefootballrecruiting #offensiveline #bigten #bigtenfootball #ohiostfootball

All Comments (7)
  • @AchRock1509
    I think Simmons and Donovan Jackson are locked in at LT and LG, but I am VERY concerned about Center - RT. As you said, we can have all the weapons in the world but Olines make offenses go! Need an upgrade but Frye is both Kelly's and Day's friend. Similar to Urban and his blind spots, friends.
  • @djosiahr
    Michigan fan here. Well done on being sensible about this! You actually get it (and I don’t say that about a lot of Buckeye fans). I’m amazed more of your fans aren’t talking about the O-Line issues (too many victory laps about recruiting probably) What has Michigan done the past 3 years? Beat up Ohio in the trenches. And what did Ryan Day do this offseason to address this? He signed the Alabama center who had fumbling issues and got destroyed by Mason Graham in the Rose Bowl. I get that Judkins is great, but so is Henderson (when healthy). Why do they need both? Seems like a luxury pick when O-line should have been the priority
  • @moknows28
    I share the same concerns but David Sanders Jr and/or Josh Petty signing would remove the concerns from a recruiting perspective. In addition Chip Kelly’s run centric approach will improve the outcome of the Oline. O-H
  • @Herron78
    Being a $$$$ bought team $$$$ and most pressure out of everyone.