PVKK Planetenverteidigungskanonenko - Official Announce Trailer | Games Baked in Germany Showcase

In PVKK, you take on the role of a commander operating a planetary defense cannon for an autocratic regime. Your bunker, serving as both your home and workplace, is where you manage various defense systems to fend off an invasion of your home world.
However, strange things keep happening, rebels try to contact you, and even your mandatory daily tea ration tastes really odd. You must navigate the conflicting interests of those who seek to use you, uncover the secrets of the bunker and your handlers, and perhaps find a way to escape what feels more like a prison than a workplace.

PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenko is launching soon. Visit Steam and add it to your wishlist now:

コメント (21)
  • Seems like absolutely normal name for the game in German
  • Of course Germans are going to make a game about operating a comically large artillery gun.
  • The idea of having a cozy 50s, 1 room apartment attached to the fire control center for a space gun is really appealing
  • -Zis is 8,8 kanone. -You mean 88mm canon? -Nein, 8,8 meter.
  • @LCTesla
    Always wanted to be a kommandant of a kanon that verteidigt my planet
  • @felinixz
    Highfleet in reverse, absolutely loving it
  • @WH40KHero
    "Zhis is my Planetenverteidigungskanone. Its a Kanon that verteidigts my Planet!"
  • pov: they just loaded the seaf artillery and now u have to actually do your job
  • Extremely deep UI, Comically large artillery piece, Deep gameplay.. Yup, it's German Gaming time. 😎
  • "What game are you playing?" "Planetenverteidigungskanonenko" "What?" "i`m playing Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant" "..." *edited for the right game name
  • I'm glad it's specified this is made by Germans, because all the words angrily smashed together didn't quite hint enough.
  • @TaccoToast
    Why did you cut off the game name in the title and description? It's Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant, not Planetenverteidigungskanonenko
  • This is the most "this should really be a VR game" game trailer I've ever seen.
  • This is why indie titles are smashing AAA games. Love concepts like this. Will definitely keep my eye on this
  • @Taeris
    Waiting for the sequel Planetenverteidigungskanonenoberkommandant and Planetenverteidigungskanonenbatteriekommandant. Or maybe the DLC, Plantenverteidigungskanonenrichtschütze und Planetenverteidigungskanonenladeschütze.