Family Dog Ditches Daycare and Rings Doorbell at Home

A family got quite the surprise when their security camera app alerted them that someone was at the front door of their Kansas home — while they were 1000 miles away on vacation in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was their pooch Dexter! He had escaped doggy daycare and made it all the way home, several miles from the kennel. But just how did this clever canine know the way? Dexter may know, but he isn’t talking.

コメント (21)
  • Dexter knows three things: - where he lives - how to get there (without GPS, by the way) - how to ring the doorbell to announce he's outside Let that sink in for a minute, people... 🐕
  • Dexter is Intelligent as heck. He wasn't feeling the daycare.
  • Poor Dexter probably felt abandoned at doggy daycare. Then to find out his family wasn't home! What a range of emotions for him! Glad he's ok! He's a very smart doggo.
  • 90 minutes and 2 miles later with all the pitfalls likely in between goes to show how smart this dog is!!
  • I laughed so hard. Dexter was ringing that doorbell like he witness some serious ish at that daycare lol.
  • Poor dog. He must have been out of his mind worrying about his family, wondering why they weren't answering the door. Glad he's OK.
  • @Teneab
    Does anyone else really want to see the dog's reaction when they came back from vacation? Must've been so happy!
  • My dad once saved a dog from the streets; he’d whine when he was inside because he wanted to be outside, but he’d whine outside because he wanted to be inside. So one day my mom told my dad he had to find a new family for him. He did and he drove him about 1 hours out of town to his new family. 3-4 months go by and as I’m walking to school I see him running towards me. This dude, walked and walked until he found our house!! It was so nuts, so we ended up readopting him.
  • It's crazy how he was able to walk all the way back without getting lost. Also, good thing the daycare workers got him back fast.
  • @DJ-il2mb
    I think deep down I would feel horrible. can't imagine how upset that dog was. But it sure does show how much that dog loves his home an family
  • I live in this area and this dog is very lucky he wasn’t hit by a car! The street they referenced (87th street) is 40mph and busy. I’m soooo glad that this had a happy ending! I’m glad Dexter knew the way home!
  • I read somewhere that dogs have the intelligence of a 2-year-old human, this dog is a lot smarter than a 2-year-old. I can't imagine a toddler travelling 2 miles and navigating streets and cars to safely make it home.
  • My dog left me on the beach cause he was fed up with me laying in the sun, he went home and stayed on the cool porch while I bawl my eyes out looking for him everywhere but home😂
  • The fact that he knows his way back home and traveled such a distance without getting lost is CRAZYYYY.
  • @nla5307
    I vividly remember a memory from when I was a child. My parents were getting rid of one of our dogs and they decided to just leave her in a dirt lot somewhere (it's messed up I know, theres more) and decided to take me with them (see told you). They left her there and I cried all the way home. The next day she showed up at our house before I went to school LOL.
  • @77Tadams
    The dog is smarter than the average human. Plus the dog knows he is loved.
  • @iCynnie
    I always wonder if my dog would be smart enough to find her way home. Dexter is a smart doggo
  • I love how they tell us all the directions to their house.
  • Hope this family appreciates the love Dexter has for 'em. They're so lucky to have him so smart and adorable.
  • Bless his little heart.Dexter said forget this place,I’m going home. I want my mommy and daddy. This is so sweet,I watched this twice.❤️🐶