Tired of Hearing About Tyre - The Failed Prophecy of Ezekiel 26

Published 2018-12-21
Biblical apologists often rely on the argument of Gleason Archer in regards to the failed prophecy of Ezekiel 26, referring to Nebuchadnezzar's siege on the island city of Tyre. Mike Winger recently made a video concerning this explanation...unfortunately, evidence from the wider Ancient Near East - as well as the Biblical text - demonstrate that this argument doesn't hold up to close examination.

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Did the Old Testament Endorse Slavery?
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Learning to Pray in a Dead Language: Education and Invocation in Ancient Sumerian
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All Comments (21)
  • @nemdenemam9753
    Damn, I didn't realize the Septuagint translations are that different. They even call Nebuchadnezzar's army an army of "many nations" „For thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will bring up against thee, O Sor, Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon from the north: he is a king of kings, with horses, and chariots, and horsemen, and a concourse of very many nations. (Septuagint, Ezekiel 26:7)” Awesome channel, just subscribed.
  • How can you besiege a city for 13 years and not notice that the inhabitants had skedaddled?
  • @elguido
    The virgin Nebuchadnezzar II: nooo, it is impossible to take the island, it took me 13 years and just got some concessions.... =( The Chad Alexander: I don't have to invade an island if I make it a peninsula >=)
  • @timsmith6675
    Keep it up Dr.Josh and future Dr. Megan. You may have found a niche that is desired by not only us ancient history and biblical enthusiasts, but to mainstream religious organizations.
  • Whats ur opinion on ezrquiel 29? U kniw the desolation of egypt
  • @PopGoesTheology
    Your best video so far, Joshua. I was delighted to see that you've changed your style of presentation. It is more to the point, easier to follow your argument and I love that you include ample direct quotes. I am looking forward to many more! Thank you!!!
  • @Zeupater
    Excellent presentation, Dr. Josh.
  • @hebrewess7487
    Write the prophecy down for it will surely come to pass Zechariah 9
  • @gracieallan11
    Once someone points out the I/ they construction of verses 3-6 in Ezekiel 26 (which everyone agrees refer to "the nations") are followed by a series of "he" pronouns in verses 7-11 referring to Nebuchadnezzar, it seems obvious that the return to the I/they construction in verses 12 and beyond must refer again to "the nations". To work so hard to prove otherwise doesn't sound like scholarship so much as it sounds like bias.
  • @BrianNeil
    Brill Dr Josh. Thank you. Wishing you and Megan a fab Winter solstice!
  • @daman7387
    He says Tyre always means the island, and yet the very source he uses at 18:20 describes "the mainland of Tyre?" Can someone explain this?
  • Didn’t Alexander raze the city to the ground after a 6 month siege circa 330 BC?
  • My golly goodness this was Fantastic. Quoting from Assyrian and Babylonian sources Referring to commentaries Clear and logical layout Keep these kind of videos coming!!
  • @garyjaensch7143
    How can you lay siege against the greatest naval power of the time?
  • @clarkjenkins316
    I'm not a scholar. This is my uneducated opinion here. But it just seems obviously wrong from the context and, as you say, internal logic of the story. It cannot be Alexander. If you read the beginning of Ezekiel 26, verse 4, Yahweh gives the reader an introductory summary of the upcoming judgment on Tyre. Yahweh says that the end goal is that Tyre will become a bare rock in the midst of the sea. This is obviously the island. How does the island become a bare rock? All of the debris will be thrown into the ocean. Kill everyone, steal the valuables, destroy the buildings, then remove Tyre from history by throwing its infrastructure into the sea. It even says to throw the soil into the sea. If there's no soil, then you have a bare rock. The action of debris removal is the ultimate "fuck you" to Tyre. It is the CONCLUSIVE act to the siege according to the introductory summary. Therefore, it is no coincidence that when "They" removes the debris in Ezekiel 26:12, it is actually the VERY LAST action of the army that happens during the siege. It is the last action of the assault. The pillaging and looting and destruction of the walls come BEFORE the debris removal. Additionally, in the very next verse, it is REITERATED that Tyre has now become a bare rock. That's because Ezekiel is saying it is finished. Debris removal = the end. It has nothing to do with Alexander building a causeway with the debris from the mainland. It would also make no sense, because why would debris removal be listed LAST? That's when the destruction really started for Alexander.
  • @tofu8164
    i think it's very clear, even if the text is talking about Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander, the city was not submerged and was rebuild, and Nebuchadnezzar didn't destroyed Egypt, anyway im not interested in god's age of empires gameplay
  • Excellent video with the exact points I made to someone on this topic before
  • @buddy.boyo88
    is mister Winger saying that they had a secret tunnel like in Minas Tirith ?