Amazing Pendulum Effect!

Amazing Pendulum Effect!

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Be sure to watch the entire video to see all of the patterns that are created. At the end of the video there are 2 links to watch 2 more versions of the video.

The effect works by using a formula that provides the specific length for each string. When all of the pendulums are started at once the patterns will start to form. The pattern resets after about 1 minute.

You can download this song on itunes:…

Name of song "New Star"

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コメント (21)
  • for those asking, the strings are different lengths because even if the starting point was change the period (time of one oscillation) would be the same, so they would all move in a straight line. instead, with the different length strings, the objects oscillate more quickly.
  • @KiwiBabeee
    You can see the shadow effect on the side!(:
  • Just when I start to understand life, this shit comes up... still got a long road ahead of me. Cheers.
  • @im2things
    Energy. Frequency. Vibration. That is what the universe is.
  • I've been looking for this video for yeeaars! No one on IG or Facebook or whatever would post where it's from and I agonized over it because I needed this song. I'm so glad I've found it.
  • @libertatus
    This is the coolest video I've seen on You-Tube in a long time.
  • Double wow. Sounds like quite an extension of the basic instrument here and its effects. Interesting! I can easily imagine that a properly timed strobe would indeed seemingly freeze certain balls, and only certain ones, it position. The strobe's period could be made so as to select different sets of the balls to seemingly freeze. That would be fun to try!
  • One other note: This is a nice example of a truly and fully time-reversible process. You can watch this video either forward or backward and (except for the initial start), the two are fundamentally identical. Technical note: Watched in reverse to what is posted here would need to be seen in a mirror, or otherwise somehow be left-right reversed, to be truly identical to the video here watched in its "forward" direction.
  • @Ashda8
    This is awesome. In theory if you got a perfect swing it would repeat the patterns for ages :)
  • they showed me this in science class and I just came back to your vids :D
  • @Axgoodofdunemaul The shorter the pendulum, the shorter it's period. He just figured out the proper ratios between the lengths of the different pendulums. Awesome.
  • @jryde421
    this shows that there is more too the world than what we see. if you have just one it move back and forth but have a bunch and you get patterns from the same movement. very interesting
  • @bigflytrap
    Awesome! Must come back and watch this again while high.
  • @simpleact4
    simply amazing -- simpley amazing The background music makes it sort of a mind relaxing mechanism. this could turn out to be a best seller for persons that are over stressed like the times we live in now. Thank You for it
  • @jhsgalaxy
    Absolutely correct. Too many people try to make a fuss out of too many things way too often although these things are just matter of fact; ... or, as like as in this example, a result of simple physics.