My grandmother gave me a wonderful soup recipe! We eat and want more!

Published 2022-12-29
Grandma gave me a wonderful soup recipe! We eat and want more! A wonderful recipe for chicken soup that everyone, even children, will love. One bowl of this soup will not be enough and you will definitely want more. This chicken soup is very good for digestion and is very good to eat after the holidays to relieve the digestive system.
350 g chicken
1.5 liters of water
cook until done
remove foam
chop 2 onions
frying oil
fry the onion over medium heat
cut 1 carrot
fry over medium heat
add 1 spoon of broth
take the chicken out of the broth
leave to cool
cut 2-3 potatoes
after 3 minutes add 2 tablespoons of paste
add a few black peppercorns
add 3 bay leaves
cook until potatoes are cooked
add 1 cup frozen peas
beat 1 egg
pour the egg into the soup
add salt to taste
add chicken meat
Easy chicken soup is ready!
Chicken soup is very useful for the digestive system after the festive table.
Bon appetit!

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All Comments (21)
  • Особенно хорошо то, как нас долго-долго учат, как надо резать луковицы и картошку.... думая, что.... не умеем.....
  • Today I made this but trust me this is the best soup I have ever had thank you so nuch
  • Если бы было овощей больше, мы бы целый день учились как надо их резать. Спасибо, что научили.
  • @semajj-ps6nv
    Best soup I ever made! Even my kids who are picky eaters had seconds. Thanks!
  • @korenng5553
    So healthy & quickly prepared! A winner for new cooks...
  • To je u Srbiji pileća čorbica sa povrćem, a supa je nešto drugačiji recept. Recept je odličan i preukuasan, prijatno svima koji ga spremaju i ja spremam veoma često. ❤️❤️❤️
  • @RC2214
    I love soup and chicken is one of my favorites, I make soup 2 to 3 times a week for my elderly father in-law recovering from surgery from stomach cancer. He is limited in what he can handle and soups is one meal he appreciates and gives him some comfort. I'm always looking for new ways to change it up.
  • Your cutlery set brings back nice memories of cooking with my grandparents. They always had a set like that
  • Dear Lass, hello. It's me Ann. My visiting nurse Kelley made this soup for me and it was delicious. I am in my late late 90s and I have been having trouble eating and I caught covid from my visiting nurse Kelley. I got pretty sick, but Kelley has been making me soups from here and I have been eating well and I am much stronger. Thank you Love for helping me to eat better and more, and I am feeling stronger. I am still coughing but not as bad. Thank you so much. People forget how wonderful soup is. During the Great Depression we lived on soup, any kind of soup. It got alot of families through that horrible time in world history and also WW2, hard times. Thank you again Lass, God Bless you. Ann 👵 🙏
  • @kathylim7031
    Thanks for your sharing of this recipe. Looks delicious.
  • Πολύ ωραία και νόστιμη!!!εύκολο βραδινό !!!!σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ!καλό μεσημέρι από Αθήνα!!!
  • @sharimeyers292
    I make chicken soup at least once a month but I have never added shredded carrots. It looks wonderful and I’m going to make my next batch using your recipe. The shredded carrot makes the soup look so pretty.
  • Нормальный суп, один из возможных вариантов. Яйцо — это, конечно, на любителя, макароны не стоит добавлять, если суп не будет съеден сразу : они быстро раскиснут и станут невкусными, но всегда можно отварить их отдельно и класть желающим в тарелку. В куриный суп с зелёным горошком я всегда добавляю помидоры и болгарский перец и никогда не делаю зажарку. В прозрачном бульоне очень красиво смотрятся разноцветные овощи, макарошки и кусочки мяса, только не стоит делать суп очень густым.
  • @royallan3717
    Thank you for taking the time to teach your skills.
  • Dopada mi se ! Bogatog je ukusa. Hvala za ideja za super recept. ❤👌🙋‍♂️💁‍♀️👌🌹🌹🌹
  • Да для молодёжи может поучительно, но а вообще это самый обыкновенный суп мне 61 год я помню в детстве мама такой готовила, а живём мы в селе
  • Это называется,,я его сварила из того что было,,💯💯💯горошек,курица и яйцо это нечто.может просто оливье залить водой и сварить?!🤣
  • @SMKajee
    Madre???😅 I made this soup twice already. My family wouldn't stop complementing my dish and me too obvious 😂. The second time, I added chicken stocks and way more flavor. Thank you sooooo much 🎉
  • @marisanyiri7562
    Thank you,l love all your recipes,they have few ingredients and delicious results,👍❤