Spy Transcendence

Publicado 2022-10-12

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Not even ten seconds in and I’ve already gone through an emotional journey
  • The plan was fool-proof, But Spy did not calculate who Scout's father really was.
  • @CheeseYourself
    "I'll give you a good home" is such a perfect sentence it's comforting, terrifying, depressing, and infuriating all at once
  • @ManLink
    Poor spy, hopefully he can recover from this
  • @bionicdragon5
    Scout went from being terrified of Spy to being terrified FOR Spy.
  • @Baron._
    A scream is heard from down a hallway, breaking the ambience of the badlands. A body comes flying out of the hallways darkness tumbling on the pavement rolling into the dry sand burning hot due to the suns heat. A eerie laughter is heard as Spy emerges from the hallway after Scout. ‘Well…’ he says, ‘Off to visit your father!’ The Scout being surprised by this comment replies in shock ‘what the…’ Just as Spy pulls transforms his briefcase into a small flying device, and begins to fly off into the sun. However, Spy failed to remember one thing. Scout exclaims ‘OH GOD’ but Spy is unphased knowing it must be one of scouts tricks. ‘YOU’ This word though, it made Spy realize something, his one fatal mistake. Spy forgot who Scouts father actually is. Having realized this, he thinks to turn back, but it is already too late. The clouds part revealing a goddess of unfathomable power before spy. He lies in shock as fate sinks in. He screams and screams. ‘I’ll give you a good home.’ Said the goddess in a cheerful tone. Easily overpowering the spies desperate screams. Spy, in retaliation to that message, spams the button to deactivate the portable flying device, deciding that death is a better option than staying with this entity before them. But the button does not work, and spy screams helplessly as he is lifted towards the goddess, given an unknown fate, one that spy won’t like. One that spy will live with forever.
  • @AngusMcSeven
    This is the biggest emotional roller coaster a person can go on in such a short span of time
  • Heavy reacted "YES!" just like Spy got exactly what it was coming to him.
  • Ah everything I love about a great GMOD Video Zero Context, Pure Idiotic Chaos, and Absolute Hilarity.
  • @MiguelTheMan
    "Heavy watched in both confusion and satisfaction as the spy was given a good home by the bigger spy".
  • @moka8601
    The longer tf2 goes without the heavy update , the more unhinged Dr lalve is becoming
  • @beagletheusher
    Just the slow movement of the helicopter makes it a lot more funnier when he's flying towards himself
  • @teetnus3458
    I absolutely love that this looks and feels like a psychedelic trip, but in the context of what's actually going on makes perfect sense