Racism in the Indian Community

Published 2023-11-01
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Despite delving into Asian Anti-Blackness in a prior video, Indian Anti-Blackness was constantly requested.. & I see why. From your favorite Bollywood film being drenched in racism to the rigid hierarchy of the caste system, South Asia is home to an immense beauty as well as heinous happenings. Join my guests and I as we tackle the topic of Indian Anti-Blackness

Table of Contents
0:00 All Tan Everything
3:36 How I Lost My Indian Best Friend
12:00 Intra-Indian Anti-Blackness
17:27 The Indian Shonda Rhimes
19:10 The Model Minority Myth
21:00 The Nuanced Negrophobia of South Asia
31:00 Mindy Kaling's Brother & Affirmative Action
41:00 When Hip Hop went Hindi (Nav? More like Nah.)
49:00 When Colours Clash

Big up @SajiSharma @arunannow Aravind B & Allaya Hagigal for making this with me!

Co-Written by ‪@Andrewism‬ Allaya Hagigal & Byron Wats

All Comments (21)
  • @sonsauvage
    My brother's wife is Indian. She basically had to choose him over her family. They begged her not to be with him. He's a doctor, she's a nurse. They met in med school. The man works hard, pretty much his entire under and post-graduate education was funded by merit based scholarships and he went to some great schools. And he's just cool as fuck and a good guy. He did doctors without borders in Spain driving ambulances and providing aid to the indigent, he taught under-privileged kids in Seattle for AmeriCorp. He provides free health education to the community he serves now as well as practicing, and he's still in the big brother/sister program. How more more "respectable" could he be? At the end of the day he's still a black man and that trumps everything about him and his character.
  • @Tee_Dawg1
    Anti-blackness is global. I used to work for an Indian family at their hotel. They brought dark-skinned Indians over to the U.S. to work for them and treated them worse than black people. They actually ordered me not to associate with them, but I was cool with them and I talked to them every time I worked. I was disappointed because I could tell that they felt like 2nd class citizens and were used to being looked down upon. I don't play those games. When it came to us in the U.S., they wanted black dollars but they didn't respect or trust black people.
  • @affanalam6123
    As an Indian with dark skin the amount of times I was harassed/bullied in school for being darker than my fellow classmates was so common that I never really gave it a second thought. It was only later I realized how much of a racist my country(obviously not all) is and sadly it doesn't look like its going away any time soon.
  • In the UK, "Asian" tends to mean from the Indian subcontinent. In the US "Asian" means East Asian.
  • Black ppl, if you're not accepted by other communities, fine... let's work to make ourselves acceptable to ourselves. That's the only love we need.
  • As an African American who is part Jamaican I'm glad I discovered this channel. I love many Indians and their culture. But sadly there is indeed anti blackness which seems to be global. It's honestly depressing navigating this racist world. It takes incredible resilience too. Edit: Apparently too many people don't know the difference between race, ethnicity and nationality so let me educate you cause it's getting embarrassing. And I see one person below actually told me that I'm calling myself "three continents", what kind of mess is that? How the hell is Jamaica a continent? The USA also isn't a continent... It's a country in North America, the latter being an actual continent. What irks me more is nowadays people thinking the term African-American is two continents which is laughably wrong. Black is the race. All African Americans are black, but not all blacks are African Americans. Race categorizes people based on their physical features, such as the color of their skin. African American is the ethnicity and so is Jamaican in the context that I'm using it (Jamaican also describes nationality but not in this context). Jamaicans and African Americans are both black (race), but entirely DIFFERENT ethnic groups! An ethnicity describes a specific type of group or subgroup of people and their history, culture, beliefs and so forth that makes up their background. Nationality describes citizenship or birthplace in a specific country/nation. For instance If I got citizenship in Japan, I'd become Japanese nationally, despite racially being black and still ethnically being Jamaican and African American. To say I'm calling myself half-black and half-black as if African Americans and Jamaicans are identical people with identical history and culture is incredibly ignorant and absurd; not to mention it ignores common sense. Education is important. Phew I said a mouthful but it had to be said. Ignorance is exhausting. 😒
  • @kissmlungu7883
    South Africa here...we have millions of Indians, deputy whites.
  • As a teenage Indian-American, I've been seeing this very often as well sir. I am so so sorry on our behalf of us for acting this way.
  • @dorkchops
    im part ethiopian and bonded with several indians due to the similarities in food. Genuinely some of the most comfy convos... and then someone told me how she loved feeding my cousins on the street. took me longer than im proud of to realize she called me a monkey
  • 😂 As a blackman i dont give a damn if they dont like me ....I was not born to be liked by them .
  • You would think because of the brutal history the Indians had with Europeans for over 400 years they would have more animosity towards the Europeans. Then they would the Black people.
  • @avani1724
    Great video. I agree with everything, but that girl at 0:02 is Masaba Gupta, she is half Indian, her father is a famous West Indies cricket player,"Viv Richards" She was just discussing about her black side in that short clip, she was not being racist.
  • @sjwho
    i'm an indian living in the us and i'm dating a latino and when i introduced him to my parents, they told me they were worried he might be black and at least our kids would be light skinned?? i am dark skinned, my whole family is dark skinned, like wtf
  • @me0101001000
    I'm a queer Indian American man, and I feel this hard. Frankly, I have a bit of disdain for my community for how anti-black a lot of us are. I know it's a loud minority, but it's loud enough that it makes me very uncomfortable. I've gotten sick of it to the point that I feel like I have to keep my guard up when I'm around other Desis. For homophobia, for toxic masculinity, and of course, the overt racism. And it doesn't just limit itself towards black people. My partner is Pinoy and nonbinary. Their culture is weird about them dating a non-Filipino, and mine is also weird about me being with a non-Desi. The stuff about sexuality and gender is weird enough on its own, considering our deities are all over the sexual and gender spectra, but the fact that some of our elders are so backwards that they act like being with someone outside your own culture is such a travesty, but marrying your cousin is fine. It upsets me.
  • As an Indian i can confirm that most of us have an inferiority complex. We often feel we are not good enough and try to associate ourselves with other racial groups. There is nothing wrong with being white, black, latin, asian etc but when you dont belong to a certain group and try to copy them that is problematic. A huge number of Indian men in the West, start considering themselves a black and use the N-word in daily conversation. Indian women immediately grow this mindset that everything Indian is bad and belongs in the past. They start to rebel and almost always try to get a white dude as their partner. Colourism is very prevalent in Indian society. Don't forget the absolute ignorance we have for Far East people. To us Chinese, Japanese, Koreans are all same.
  • @mbuck253
    Randomly had this video start playing, my screen is half broken at the moment and I had no idea how long the video was. It grabbed me from the jump and time never came to mind. I appreciate learning about others lives from the struggles to successes and everything in between. Especially with groups I don’t have a ton of personals contact with or knowledge of. Great video and instant subbed!
  • @kyleek6152
    im always amazed by how deftly you can explore the complex biases between marginalized groups against one another. and how ofc white supremacy sowed antiblackness globally
  • Thank you for this! A lot of anti-black racism among South and SE Asians have a lot to do with class: Dark skin means poverty and working class, while fairer skin has to do with wealth. So to see some darker skin Asians wanting to have fair skin just to look rich is just sad & frustrating.
  • @JohnWickSOS
    A famous person by the name of Periyar once said this statement "If you see a Brahmin and a Snake at the same time, kill the Brahmin first, for he is more venomous" is attributed to an ancient saying.