9.99 seconds is the best I can do

Published 2020-06-20
Fairly frustrating but I brought it upon myself. KiCad doesn't tie footprints to parts/symbols and I just messed it up.

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All Comments (21)
  • Oh dear. That's really annoying, but I think you can fix it. You'll need to design a little PCB that's just the size of the bigger footprint and solders onto it. On the other side it'll be the pinout for the chip you have - the traces will basically convert from one to the other. I think it's called a bodge board.
  • @HariWiguna
    Grrr! That sucks. Since it's on the back of the clock, no one's gonna see it, so maybe it'd be worth bodging that chip together just to make sure there are no other issues before you send out for the new board. Good luck Dave!
  • Id suggest completing this one board with modifications to prove the system works then redesign the board with all the modifications amended.
  • This has happened so many times to me I always print off my component layer and actually place all my components on the paper to check they have all the correct packages and pad sizes. I have found way too often that even component libraries give pads too small or too short so the solder fillet doesn't have space to flow properly. I appreciate you can't do that for complex boards but I never design something that complex at home anyway!
  • @matteopascoli
    Don’t give up! Glue the ic out of the way and connect its pins to their pads using bodge wires!
  • @Magic-Smoke
    Oh dear, that's a shame. I did the wrong footprint thing too but happily it was soic-4 and i could gently splay the legs with a screwdriver. I'm up to one bodge wire so far but only through luck 😀
  • @jerril42
    Hang in there David. That is quite a setback, but you are so close. Thanks for the update. Take care.
  • @beargun42
    I wondered if the DRC would find this problem. Apparently not (just tried it in KiCad).
  • @torstenb5248
    It‘s clearly the chip manufacturer‘s fault!
  • @andymouse
    Darn it ...nevermind, yeah, ya heart sinks as it dawns on ya, but at least ya didn't pay for ENIG !. Oh, ya could do a bit of fiddly work and " Dead bug it "
  • @PJElliot
    Stick the ic to the board upside down and add wire links to remap. You can then validate the design before the PCB respin.
  • @coxsj
    [posted this before seeing the earlier replies suggesting the same] How about making a tiny doublesided 'patch' pcb board with matching 16pad footprint on one side and with pads connected to the correct pads in a 14 pad footprint on the other side of the board. You could then surface solder this adapter board to the 16 pad footprint on your main board and then solder your 4073 to the correct 14 pad footprint on the top of the adapter board.
  • @ChrisMuncy
    I feel you pain David. Been there and paid the price.
  • @markolsson2740
    I was thinking...maybe we should start a thing where we share our boards with someone else in a group so we can do a QA on them. I'd be happy to take a look through your boards just before you send them to be produced. Or we could produce some check list of things we've found. What do you think?
  • @Leonard_Smith
    It was better to try and fail than never to try at all. Onwards to Version 2!
  • @laveur
    Its one of my frustrations with KiCad, that and the lack of the command interface... I love the command interface. But hang in there! I am confident that you will get things working.
  • @upperairs
    A good excuse to make the reset smaller :)
  • @AttitudeGames
    David, just create a converter daughter board that converts the pinouts on your main board to the chip you are using, that way you are not wasting those boards that you already had made. I have done that a few times in the past when the Schem and PCP Footprints are not correct.
  • If you print out your Gerbers and check to you circuit you not only save money but you also save a lot of time. If your spending £1000's on pcb's you would do a lot of checking before hitting the go button. I still do most of the checks on a £5 order, as why would I wont to waste any money or a week waiting for new boards if 10 mins looking at the Gerbers stops it happening in the first place. Still no one said learning is easy.