Please Stop Using Windows...

Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! It's been a few months and a lot of advancements have been happening in the Operating System sphere where the dominance of Microsoft is slowly becoming irrelevant with the massive advances in Linux. If you've ever been put off by using the penguin on your system, consider watching this and embracing a world of true freedom on your system. Thanks for watching!
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コメント (21)
  • Stop using windows? What am I supposed to use, walls?... They're lousy see through thingies, don't you know!?
  • @nimbylive
    I love the "activate windows" watermark. You can never say that Muda does not live what he preaches.
  • @jfflipper
    I made the switch to Linux this morning and my CPU is running substantially cooler and quieter while doing the exact same things. I knew Windows had a stupid amount of background processes, but I didn't realize it was THAT big of a difference.
  • 1:34 I like that the activate windows watermark appears and stays for the rest of the video.
  • @beck3k
    I'll make a hardware device that acts as a webcam that displays a still image saying "Fuck you Microsoft"
  • It would be great if muta made a series of linux guides and tutorials for beginners. That would make the process much more simple, familiar, and funny. So muta if you're reading this, please unleash your inner beast bro
    i love how the Activate windows sign is staying on the screen for the hole video
  • I really, really, want to drop windows, and go to linux mint. And in fact I did that. I did research, ran it from USB, installed it on a secondary drive for a while to learn it, binged all the big distro youtubers, etc. Then felt comfortable enough to wipe everything and install Mint as my only OS. (I LOVE looks beautiful, feels so snappy and stable, no bloat, etc...). But...I felt lost. No support for Raytracing on my high end GPU (3080). No support for any Gamepass games, no android emulation that doesnt charge cash per minute to use, etc. I figured I can play my gamepass games on my xbox, and play my currently emulated mobile games on a tablet....but then what would be the point, since MS and Google would still be getting all my data and stuff anyway, so why cripple my gaming, if they are just going to get my data in other ways anyway? I feel like IF the gaming compatibility was just a weeee bit better, Id switch for good, for sure. But right now for me, while I LOVE how Linux feels, I feel like it would be a HUGE trade off for me since I am mainly a gamer. But I will continue to watch you and the other big linux youtubers to continue learnign about it. :)
  • The camera requirement is shady af when it comes to Windows 11, the FTC seriously needs to take a another look at MS
  • A lot of people today seem to forget or just don't know that Microsoft was charged by the FTC when they tried to force Windows users to only use their web browser. This is a company that already has a track record of violating US anti-trust laws in order to profit. Now this same company wants to make requirements on what hardware you use?
  • @ryanaudioo
    i switched to linux and love it , better than windows
  • @DJNeoncat
    Muta: Stop using Windows. Me: okay. *starts using Doors*
  • @zen_7748
    I realize the pros to switching away from Windows, but until Linux starts standing up to Windows in popularity, I doubt many people will stop using Windows.
  • @irrigamii
    I love how Muta left the "Activate Windows" watermark at the bottom.
  • @Drag3ndz
    I really appreciate you walking your viewer on how Linux work and how simplistic it can be (starting with the easiest distro). I've been considering trying out Linux Mint to dip my toes since I've been a primarily a Window users for my whole computer experience. I have very little interest upgrading to Windows 11 from what I've been hearing about how anti-consumer Microsoft has been becoming.
  • @LikeVenom18
    Untold distinctions about these OS': 1) Windows is the best for gaming, Mac for Media content, Linux for Software development. 2) If you have an Nvidia GPU (especially the newer one) on your Linux, you will have issues with it and gaming will be of poorer quality as opposed to Windows. 3) With Linux, you're basically committed to using a single disk for your apps, as setting it up for multiple drives isn't as intuitive as on Windows. Also, switching between Linux and Windows implies you'll have to wipe your drive clean, due to partitioning scheme differences. 4) Linux is so far ahead of Windows in terms of security and updates; Viruses do not work on Linux and you're installing stuff directly from package managers, which is like a Play Store on mobile devices and only clean and legit software is there. You update ALL of your installed packages by running a single (and simple) command. 5) For laptops, Linux uses significantly more battery than Windows does. In summary, if you care about gaming primarily - Windows is by far the best; if you're a software developer, (ethical) hacker or you care about privacy, security and ease of updates, Linux is by far the best.
  • Windows has been completely monopolizing the marketshare for an extremely long time (if you ignore mac) and the fact linux is beginning to pick up steam (pun unintended) is probably a good thing.
  • @vrucewayne
    8:09 - one of my fav things about linux is the fact that it's so resource happy it can run from a flash drive, for those that want to try it out most distros offer a live mode on their iso.
  • @MrHav1k
    I've been hearing "Linux is going to take over in 3-4 years" for probably the last 20 years now. I highly doubt it will ever happen. That said, this was a good video and the more people using it as their daily OS, the better.