Out At First - Coach Ejection

Published 2020-05-02

All Comments (21)
  • @davidbeaver21
    I started at "Jonboy", found gas station encounters, then on to this. YouTube has my algorithm prediction down.
  • @calebwhite1215
    man it must be nice to have a 3 man crew lol... me and my partner have done 9 games in a row, no breaks, two weekends in a row
  • @andrew5689
    This is a fantastic channel! I love this so much.
  • @mrkrharris
    Every manager should take the umps course. I became an umpire by wanting to know ALL the rules of the game I was teaching...
  • @NicoleIL
    Glad I stumbled upon your channel. I've learned a lot.
  • .5 speed playback. Right foot steps on the bag. Then immediately after next left steps on glove
  • @heavyj4805
    Right foot hits bag left then steps on glove, the second base ump was correct in his initial call
  • @Meself-ks6nm
    I enjoy watching softball live for the crazy parent show. That’s entertaining. Also for the coaching cliche’. You know “good eye,” etc. Every once in a while it’s exciting.
  • @gregrosgen5351
    Looks to me that the goatee ump is out of place. He starts the play in place but doesn’t leave his spot. He’s got one job to do! Follow the play of the ball, and that means getting off your heals.
  • @antonioguillan92
    Ejection that fast can really only be a response of "bullshit" when he confirmed the call
  • @Reabies1
    Runner at first is safe by your view. Right foot tags the bag then left foot steps on the glove. The runner stayed on the base line as if she was running out 1st, then reestablished the bag before making any attempt to run to 2nd
  • @smuppyers
    Jeez man how tall are you? Your camera's towering over the other umps at 2:20
  • @mudkat7611
    My initial view was that the batter/runner was safe and it only confirmed it to me when video was slowed and magnified. SAFE! It's obvious to me that the fielder's hand was stepped on AFTER the batter/runner had already acquired first base. She reached first base with her right foot THEN stepped on the fielder (accidently) with her left foot. I'm confused as to which coach was ejected?
  • @SpilledJack12O
    she is safe because right before the tag on the base the runner stutter steps and puts her right foot down first on the bag before her left and when she puts down her left thats when the stepping on the hand took place.
  • @CodyOsteen5
    Looks safe. Defense should have been trying to get the shorter throw to second.
  • @cloudwatcher724
    second commandment of umpiring: be right 95% of the time and SELL the other 5%. a more confident (not theatrical--confident) initial call by U2 on the play at first would have most likely avoided this scenario. certainly be more definitive in the umpire conversation. being passive, even if you are right, doesn't help your reputation.
  • @drewbryan6739
    It seems obvious that the runner beat the first baseman to the base and that it was the next step that stepped on the first baseman's hand. So the call of safe is correct.