Everyone is Wrong About 666 & the Mark of the Beast

What is the Mark of the Beast according to Scripture? What does the number 666 mean? How do we read the book of Revelation? We discuss biblical symbolism and numerology in the Apocalypse of John (the Book of Revelation) and why everyone gets it wrong. We touch on the greater problem we have today of reading Scripture primarily according to historical and cultural (or scientific) context—that is, according to the letter and the flesh, rather than according to the Spirit.

Livestream Q&A Part 1 Here: youtube.com/live/FagrVF1t0Fs?feature=share

Livestream Q&A Part 2 Here: youtube.com/live/9hpTMrqkOWY?feature=share

Nick's Channel: @CollectingConversations

#apocalypse #revelation #endtimes #prophesy #666 #markofthebeast #symbolism #numerology #antichrist #newworldorder

0:00 - Preview
1:18 - Scripture Interprets Scripture
4:52 - How Historical "Context" Can Cloak the Meaning of Scripture (Teaser)
7:37 - Why Everyone Is Wrong About the Book of Revelation
10:16 - The Mark of the Beast (Symbolism)
17:29 - 666 (Numerology of 6 & 7)
26:01 - Beasts, Antichrists, Harlots, and other Archetypes
31:37 - Closing Remarks

コメント (21)
  • The scripture doesn’t say the mark was on Cain’s forehead. It just says he had a mark. The first mention of a mark on the forehead comes when we are told to put God’s law upon or forehead and our hands.
  • @teelowkee
    17:31 if you wanna skip passed the know it all narcissistic rambling. You're welcome😊
  • @14MEdith
    Thanks Randall! Every encouragement. I look forward to hearing a lot more
  • How do you only have 288 subs? That is crazy! You are going to blow up in Jesus name.
  • Subbed!! Finally some good teachings. Praying your channel receives people coming and learning truth..
  • Revelation 13: 16 to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. KJV
  • @mbf393
    And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
  • Oh please, you said this was quite simple and then you had to go through the whole Bible trying to justify through extreme examples what it means. This was actually, in my opinion, a pretty lame attempt to PROVE something that only exists in your own mind. You said that everyone else is wrong......well congrats, you have joined their ranks,because this was the craziest attempt to decipher that I have ever heard.
  • @ronijaco9886
    So is the mark the mark of a man or of mankind? How does everyone or each generation have in their own time their individualized mark, if the mark primarily discussed in revelations is a component of the end time? How, in revelations is the mark both, or in any way, a blessing and a curse for any who receive it?
  • What The Father has spoken will never change, His promises are still good and our prayers are still answered! Hallelujah!!! But as impossible as this sounds, like so many of the true stories in scripture, our bibles have all been supernaturally changed by Satan in the last several years, right in our homes, in the fulfillment of prophecy. It's being done to prepare for the reign of the antichrist. All languages and all translations have been changed along with concordances, encyclopedias, dictionaries, history books, the original Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Aramaic manuscripts. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls have been changed!     I'm 71, was saved when I was 10, and have read only the exact same copy of the King James bible my church gave me in 1961. (This does not mean I was a King James onlyist but now I'm glad I never read other ones or I might not have noticed the changes as soon.) I had memorized many scriptures from it through the years. Then in 2014 I started seeing changes in it that I couldn't explain. I had never owned a computer or heard of the Mandela Effect back then. But after being given my first computer in 2016 I finally found out why I had been noticing all of the oddities that I couldn't explain. I then started diligently studying what should actually have been called the "Daniel 7:25 effect". That's where God said He would give the antichrist the power to do this. (Change times and laws, history and scripture) We're seeing many end time prophecies being fulfilled SUPERNATURALLY! This is some of the "lying signs and wonders" God told us He would give the AC power to perform which would even deceive His very elect, if it were possible in 2nd Thessalonians chapter two!  God said in the end of days, (NOW!) that He would send us a famine for hearing His words in Amos 8:11 and that He would give the antichrist the ability to do this in Daniel 7:25. In Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 He told him to seal his book until the end days. He told John not to seal his book because the end time is at hand in Revelation 22:10. One of the Greek definitions of ''seal'' in Strongs concordance is “to protect from Satan”. He also told us to “hide His words in our hearts”, which meant memorize, if not word for word at least the essence of what was written, because He knew this was going to happen. God commanded us to "prove all things", and people better obey Him, especially on this subject. I urge you to research this. There are many brothers and sisters making videos about the changes with more proof of what was originally written and I have lots more about this in my playlist 👉 which can be found by typing in (PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE 1) 👈 youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOTw4zBND_NPf66nKUONLoe… I've continued to stay in God's word by reading what has been documented to be what used to be written and what Satan has been changing. Soon Amos 8:12 will be fulfilled too and we won't be able to find God's word anymore, and the only way it can happen is by not being able to see these videos and PDF written lists of documented changes like the one at (amos)(8)(.)(org) May God bless all who read this with eyes to see this incredible faith strengthener, and how close we are to our Saviour's return!!!! P.S. Everyone is going to learn about this one way or the other. I'm just trying to keep so many people from hearing Jesus explain it to them at the Gate. If you ask for them at the address on my about page I will send you links for 17 films that absolutely prove the snake bite is the mark. And yt hates me, they won't notify me of replies and won't post my answers so write me at residue junkie in one word at g mail for lots more info yt would never allow you to see.   ❤✝️💪 P.P.S. YT will not notify me if you reply here so write me at residue junkie in one word at g ma
  • @aununally4274
    Since I've heard everything in the video I was not wrong your title States everyone is wrong about 666. I was not. Cuz you haven't told me anything different. Haven't told me what the Mark will look like. Will it be a number or a patch or. What time does world go with a chip. After your particular understanding and explanation thank you.
  • @EGLDsavvy
    This is interesting, and I'm about to listen to part 1 of the longer videos, but I don't understand how it's a curse and a mercy. What does that mean, why is covering someone a mercy, like they still could go to heaven 🤔? Also, how is this the mark of the beast in the end times. how does this correlate with the end times mark of the beast that people will be forced to take or face persecution? I'll listen to the long videos I seen you post. Maybe they're already answered there. Thanks for sharing this info, You have a unique way of explaining things that resonates with me well.
  • @238act
    It happened that while Apollos was in Corinth, Paul went through the upper [inland] districts and came down to Ephesus, and found some disciples. He asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed [in Jesus as the Christ]?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” And he asked, “Into what then were you baptized?” They said, “Into John’s baptism.” Paul said, “John performed a baptism of repentance, continually telling the people to believe in Him who was coming after him, that is, [to confidently accept and joyfully believe] in Jesus [the Messiah and Savior].” After hearing this, they were baptized [again, this time] in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking in [unknown] tongues (languages) and prophesying. There were about twelve men in all. Acts 19:1‭-‬7 AMP
  • Please tell me how did Jesus die on a Friday and was raised on a Sunday, how was he raised on the third day?