What to expect in your First Trimester of pregnancy | Pregnancy Week-by-Week

Congratulations! You are pregnant! Over the next eight weeks of your first trimester, your baby will grow from about the size of a poppy seed to a mushroom. And you’ll go through a lot of changes, too. This week-by-week guide to your first trimester will take you through all the developments, symptoms and things you need to start thinking about. (And don't miss our videos for your second trimester:    • What to expect in your Second Trimest...   and third trimester:    • What to expect in your Third Trimeste...  )

Want more pregnancy info?

Here are the time codes to get to the topics that matter to you most right now, based on how many weeks pregnant you are:
0:13 - 4 weeks (Topics covered: Early symptoms of pregnancy, pregnancy hormones, nausea, bloating, exhaustion, implantation bleeding, precautions you need to take during pregnancy)
1:49 - 5 weeks (Topics covered: Pregnancy hormones, food cravings or aversions, morning sickness)
3:15 - 6 weeks (Topics covered: Constipation, alcohol consumption, how much caffeine you can have, dating ultrasound)
4:54 - 7 weeks (Topics covered: Growth of baby, dealing with nausea, pregnancy massage)
7:27 - 8 weeks (Topics covered: Picking a health care provider, miscarriage, nausea, what cleaning products are safe, acne, glossy hair)
9:48 - 9 weeks (Topics covered: Baby heart beat is strong enough to be heard, baby’s genitals are developing, pregnancy hormones, dealing with fatigue, maternity clothes, weight gain)
11:41 - 10 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, vivid dreams, growing uterus, pain medication that’s safe during pregnancy)
13:41 - 11 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, genetic testing, exercise during pregnancy)
16:34 - 12 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, risk of miscarriage, telling others about your pregnancy, maternity clothes)

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コメント (21)
  • I've had two miscarriages and just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant. I pray everything is all well. Edit: Had my baby boy on May 15, 2020! He was born at 37 weeks via c-section. 💙
  • "you are pregnant!" sis chilllllllllllll LMAO i turned my volume down so fast
  • @rinnezsans
    My wife is 9 weeks pregnant please pray for us! Goodluck everyone!🎉❤
  • Finally pregnant after 3 years. Sending out prayers for a healthy baby and all waiting mums Update; baby girl is here. God is good!
  • @Joe-ey3qt
    I have been trying for a year and a half and the doctors told me it's a one in a million chance of conceiving. Found out I am 6 weeks yesterday. It's so early and I am so scared. Please pray for me and my baby.
  • I’m currently 5 weeks & 3 Days Pregnant , I’m a first time mother , please pray for me too have a healthy pregnancy.❤️🤞🏾
  • I just found out I’m about 4 weeks pregnant. I am sooooo excited!!! First time mom and I’ve wanted this forever. Wish me luck and a healthy pregnancy 🤍👶🏻
  • Diagnosed with PCOS but fortunately I am pregnant now🎉 Praying for a safe pregnancy❤
  • Just got Married in September and now we are trying to have our first child. Pray for us! We are pregnant! 10weeks today. 😁🙌🏽🤰🏽
  • I'm 8 weeks pregnant, and haven't got any nausea thank God lol wishing all of you mommies a safe and beautiful pregnancy 💕👶
  • I used to watch this video in my first trimester lol. Now, I’m sitting here again, but with my 17 month old daughter holding my hand ❤
  • Me and my Husband have been TTC for almost 6 years... We have literally tried everything with no luck, now we're waiting on God!!! Keep us in your prayers and please send lots of baby dust also 🤗💜💖
  • I started happy crying when the narrator said “congratulations you’re going to be a great mom”😂😭❤️ dam hormones
  • I'm going to be a dad! At 40! Thanks to everyone involved in making this video, it was a great way to answer a ton of my questions while also being entertaining. That whistling tune will be stuck in my head forever...
  • @jbw17
    8 weeks 2 days today:) had my first ultrasound yesterday and was SO RELIEVED to have something show up. prayers to everyone going through this and let’s make it through!! ❤
  • just found out i’m pregnant!! never thought i’d be able to have children. thank you for this video ❤️
  • survived my first trimester ❤️🙏good luck to everyone 💋
  • My girlfriend found out she was pregnant 2 weeks ago and I could not be more happy about anything in my life. please pray that they are both healthy to the end :)
  • i’m only 5 weeks and dealing with nausea, exhaustion and cramps 😭 praying for all you mamas who are dealing with the same! 🙏🏻✨