The Thousand Dollar Challenge

Publicado 2023-08-11

Todos los comentarios (7)
  • @keithhead1210
    Isn't it crazy how Satan can confuse people to where they can't do simple math!
    Earth has one timeline of life and death. Daniel states 1 week left, (7 years) This is correct. 1260 days for the Harlot who rides the beast with 7th king; (gentiles) and when he is killed and resurrects as the 8th king; (antichrist) he kills the Harlot and goes after the remnant of Israel and rules the earth for the other 1260 days; (which is geared towards the house of Israel and her offspring. Then immediately after the tribulations he comes to start his kingdom. So yes 7 years of time; first half the world;(peace and safety, birth pains) Second half geared toward Israel and remnant, and he takes over the world governments and says he is God. everyone has a point and view, but we need to see the difference according to the word and make it "ALL" fit correctly. last half the bible itself calls the great tribulations not the first half. Easy brothers and sisters. we are all right just a few words separate us, but Gods word clears it all up. Amen
  • @Harpadzo
    Ugh. That guy knows it all. Second only to God. Seems to think we should jettison all premillennialists as not in their right minds. Three things doth God hate... Let's see, what was that first thing again?
  • @Harpadzo
    You just gotta love when these self-styled internet prophets pop in to proclaim everyone is wrong and then start spouting-off weird random things that read like they are coming out of a drug haze.
  • @russwhite3952
    there is tribulation, there is great tribulation , but no verse that says 7yr tribulation soooo your wrong ,,,, ask brenda weltner she will set you straight