Karen Read trial begins for second-degree murder of police officer boyfriend #shorts


コメント (21)
  • After 2 weeks they’ve established that cops in Massachusetts save blood evidence in unsanitary solo cups and used grocery bags, take cocktails out of bars, drink and drive, it’s normal to dig up your basement and sell your family home of over 50 years for 50k under market, and a group of friends hung out. Kudos to the defense on their case! Oh my bad…that’s the prosecutions case 😂
  • @Yoop3r906
    They set her up! 💯 Justice for Karen Read!! The cop that admitted all of the errors within the incident report makes it very clear. They didn't even secure the scene and allowed those in the house to roam the scene outside and were never questioned. The saddest part of this crime is the fact that none of them will ever face justice! My prayers remain with Karen Read, her family and all of her supporters. 🙏🏻
  • she’s so guilty & her cocky smirks aren’t helping any
  • Im telling you she was not in a good place mentally back in winter 22'.
  • She’s innocent! Something is really shady w this Albert McCabe clan
  • @kelly3560
    Karen the Killer … looks like she is trying this case in the court of public opinion. Another OJ verdict… imo.
  • @DaddyFatty
    Ive gone deep into this case, those other officers definitely did it & the PD is covering it up & blaming his gf
  • @tula1433
    The surveillance of her pulling into the garage and then leaving at 5am showed she has no damage to the tail light. She lightly bumped his car on the way out and you see the car move forward a bit but besides that no damage when she got home that night !
  • @savisav1862
    Wow. I wondered what happened with this story!