Tears of the Kingdom Left Me Sour

Published 2024-06-27
You thought I was done complaining ? Nope, Grab your torches and prepare to burn me at the stake because I will now express how sour Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom left me. Enjoy !

Music by C418

All Comments (18)
  • @mr_m3lon24
    The saddest thing about totk to me was definitely the dungeons. Even if the puzzles themselves were lackluster, I was able to use the ultra hand abilities to skip most of the puzzles, specifically in the fire dungeon. I literally just phased through the ceiling.
  • @rareosts5752
    At least we can share in our love of the final trailer.
  • @TimberTaipei
    One thing I try to do with new open world games is not watch or look up anything until I beat the last boss. Avoiding spoilers from my friends was a nightmare, but I did it. When I found something interesting, it actually felt awesome! Like when I found the giant robot companion, or finally stumbled on the machine copy-paster thing. But those very few moments didn't make up for finding disappointing reward dead ends almost every where else.
  • @velvet1285
    What songs by C418 are used in this video?
  • Yeah, frankly I found the game disappointing too. I think if it could've made the sky islands bigger given a different design of Hyrule and added in more structured dungeons with unique rewards, instead of the over-reliance of shrines I would've had a way better time with the game. Not to mention I didn't like how non-consistent the framerate was, this was released how late into the switch cycle and still nintendo can't release big games like this in a consistent frame rate. I am not asking for it to run at 60 fps I just want the framerate to be consistent.
  • It was so disengaging to me that I still haven't beaten it. Got it week 1, took a break from late June to December, played until January, haven't touched since. Doesn't help that it took everything I didn't like in BotW and just made them worse/more of them.
  • @Slenderman454
    Idk man, i’ve got over 200 hours in it. I think it was well done, then again i don’t mind the reused assets that most ppl don’t like
  • @salmark9080
    got over 220 hours, loved the game. sucks you guys didn't enjoy it, the exploration was still great. It's a huge game and was extremely vertical, couldve used better dungeons but was still S+ tier
  • @V3ltix
    the only valid point was the sages repeated cutscene
  • @rareosts5752
    Hahahahaha, wow my comment yesterday was perfect timing, wasn't it? You know I love this game, I know you don't, and my remark about how I really like this channel still stands. I'll spare you a wall of text where I whine about each of your points, but I will relate a personal experience, I had a dream shortly before the game came out, a dream of the game, but it was very immersive and basically VR because I was in it. That dream was so much better than any game could even be right now, and when I woke up, I was like "......oh no, I just ruined this game for myself, it won't be nearly that", but actually it didn't matter. I just clicked with the vibe of TotK, the colors, the heavy use of that teal, the distractions, how Link was finally getting some recognition, but also others didn't know him, reflecting the size of Hyrule and Link's quiet humble heroics. It clicked with me in a way that I could relax with it and be immersed. I think the crafting had a lot to do with it, I think if you liked that then immersion was easier in this game. It seems like a lot of people didn't click with certain aspects, especially crafting, in a way that left them just beneath immersion, which can be incredibly souring, and particularly annoying.
  • @plume...
    I spent about 40 hours in it, then one day I started it up and I just couldn't be bothered to play. I haven't touched it since and have absolutely no impulse to ever play it again. I honestly can't explain why. Maybe deep down it feels like I'm playing the same game all over again (BoTW)...
  • @TimberTaipei
    I thought it was lazy and uninspired outside the combat (Minus the continual crafting of weapons, which was a time sync that really slowed the pace of exploration and progression) Nintendo is going to keep doing this crap because people like you are disregarded because rose colored nostalgia. I came away with the same disappointment. After I heard TOTK was delayed when Elden Ring came out, I was thinking this could be a good thing. Maybe they realized how bland the world in BOTW was compared to Elden Ring or perhaps the enemy diversity. What is the rule for good open worlds? Every 15 seconds of travel time, you should be able to see or do something interesting? They failed miserably especially because they already had everything they needed. They already had the physics engine, the assets, the world, the lore, yet they didn't do anything to make it look like Hyrule progressed in those [7] years except maybe put mushroom hats on buildings, bastardizing my favorite town. Making me think I had a say in Hakeno's future, by deciding if I wanted it to stay old school, or be adulterated by that chubby fashion diva. But instead I had to both. I loved what they did with that Island village though, where you had to rebuild it. I wanted to see more quests showing the reconstruction of Hyrule... I wanted to feel apart of Hyrule, like my choices mattered. But nah. Long rant, sorry. You're right tho'.
  • @rareosts5752
    Oh just a random aside, I think a lot of people are mainly focused in the good/bad discussion of this game, but few are analyzing the actual game, like the messages. Not lore, but other stuff like a theme running through the game about not forgetting history, respecting time-tested aspects of culture, recognizing how many good qualities about ourselves might find their foundations in your civilization. I feel like this was a Japanese love letter to the West in that respect. Also, there's a clearly gay gentrifier in Lurelin Village with female animations, which I found hilarious and potentially quite controversial, but no one talked about it.