This video is a bit sad

Published 2020-01-21

All Comments (21)
  • @Neytirix
    First the fires and now hail~ Gotta admit its been a bit tricky lately down here in Aus! But as usual the animals will always have it the worst. There were so many that didn't make it which I decided not to include cause it just felt wrong showing film of their last moments. Instead I represented the ones (that I saw) that left us as the little blue flowers in the drawing which are called forget-me-nots. Thought it was fitting. Still not too sure why I decided to make this into a video to show you guys. I'm usually not one for showing the more personal things that happen around me. Think maybe this was a good way for me to wrap up the events that happened I suppose. Oh well. I won't forget you little birdies~ Expect some more of my usual happier content soon! EDIT: This video was never planned to be monetised so I used music that wasn't copyright free not realising that the owners of the songs could still turn ads on for themselves. So I apologise that people have to sit through them especially on a video of this nature. EDIT 2: A lot of people were concerned that the first Cockatoo shown was dead. He's not! He's actually blinking in the video! He just had a severe head injury so he could not stand or balance himself.
  • @cha0tic_ech0
    “Helps Animals before they got even more hurt” Everyone liked that
  • @AtChiaPet
    I hope the little birbs are doing better now
  • @oakenshadow6763
    You lost so much, but spent time helping rather than focusing on your own hurt. You are an amazing person.
  • @Inky165
    (note): magpies can remember peoples faces for around 5 years so neytirix that magpie wont forget that u tryed to help him
  • @eraaaa.
    the concern in her voice when she said “NO! SWEETIE?” with the cockatoo made my soul crumble i’m—
  • @SableChipmunk1
    When her voice started shaking when she was talking about the birds I started CRYING
  • @thezambambo2184
    Y'know, that young Magpie might remember you for the rest of his life, given they're as smart as a 4 year old child
  • @xraytted1641
    “Warning, very wounded animals upcoming” Starts crying before seeing them
  • @littlebigb5370
    Australia: gets set on fire Australia: floods Australia: hails literal golf balls Austalia is a foreign, uninhabitable dimension.
  • @ficklepishes
    As an Australian I have been crying over all the animals so much The koalas are going endangered The birds are getting hit by hail Half of Australia is on fire A lot of Australia is flooded Whyyyyyyyy Also the way you draw animals is so cute and I love it Edit: thanks for the likes! It's good to know so many people care about Australia and the animals ^w^
  • @pepitodelrancho
    i like the fact that even with her damage home she still goes out if her way to help the wild life
  • @oddone194 you know how much I cried when she said "NO! SWEETIE!"?
  • @kennypseudo3541
    when we got the hail my family went out after to look for animals (no property damage, thankfully, since everyone covered their cars and windows). We managed to help 4 cockatoos, 2 magpies, 6 noisy mynahs, a butcherbird and a possum. I still think about the ones we missed that were probably hiding :( but at least the ones we found are okay.
  • @m_iles2005
    There’s a little baby magpie in my mango tree. I named it Charlie. Just thought I’d share something wholesome.
  • @HamsterSpleen
    thank you for taking them to the vet instead of leaving them.
  • This new darkness we find ourselves in is pierced by blindingly beautiful lights that guide us home. You are one of these lights. Keep on shining Neytirix. You are a star.
  • @justabird0
    "This video is a little bit sad" Me: A little bit? ;-;
  • @slimyslimer2642
    Australia: *on fire* Also Australia: *everyone drowning* Also Australia, again: *Golf balls falling from the sky* Also Australia, again, again: Coronavirus
  • You probably won’t see this Neytirix, but as someone who also lives in (Presumably from the current weather) Eastern Australia, I know that that things have been extremely stressful lately, I was on the lighter end of the storm so I won’t act like I know what you’re going through currently. All I can say is that I hope things will get better for you soon. (Edit) Oops, I didn’t see the date of the video, my bad. Still tho, doesn’t mean I’m not worried 😅