I TOLD YOU George RR Martin will NEVER finish ASOIF !!

Published 2023-11-10

All Comments (21)
  • @squamish4244
    This guy was probably five years old when George started writing ASOIAF.
  • They called him mad but time is proving him right with each DAY it passes
  • @eren__morwen5947
    Oh my good lord what have i discovered here. what a treasure. He will finish. He will. i am still young and I am only waiting for 6 years now, but I still believe. i have to.
  • @johnstewart3189
    That’s why they call you the Genius! You should definitely do an annual celebration of how that book is never coming out. George is NEVER finishing those books. He’s got too much money now and there is no incentive for him to risk putting out a stinker. I would love to be proved wrong.
  • @ronensalathe
    Ive reached the "acceptance" stage, its a shame but i can always just keep my headcanons
  • @coolpapado2535
    Genius John to all his haters: “everybody wants to know what I’d do if I had to eat crow” “I guess we’ll never know” 👑
  • @michaeldeaton
    I think its important for, particularly fantasy and science fiction authors, to have someone that can reign them in, an editor or whatever, who can help prevent the sort of scope creep that infests other industries like video games from happening in the author's works. Robert Jordan is a great example of this. Starts with a 3 book idea. Becomes 6. Eventually dies having written like 12 books, have to hire Brandon Sanderson to come in and finish the last two books to complete the series. The reason this happened was Jordan started making a lot of money writing a lot of words that didn't end up saying an awful lot, and his editor aka his wife at the time, could not or would not attempt to reign in the scope creep this led to. GRRM has a similar problem. I really feel like especially fantasy authors have a tendency to let the story just go and get bigger and more complex over time, then it comes time to start winding things down and they realize they've set too many lines to bring in the full catch. Its important as a fantasy author to have a clear idea where you're going when you start, and how long and how much writing it should take you to get there. Maybe that's an experience thing but GRRM has the experience so he should not have fallen into the scope creep situation he has fallen into. Anyway, tl:dr for fantasy authors. Set limits and have someone exterior to yourself that can enforce them. Finish your masterpieces like Tolkien did, and don't leave us hanging like so many modern fantasy authors have.
  • @coolpapado2535
    3:46, my face when I realize I’m 3 days late to another Genius John masterpiece 🔥
  • I believe ASOIAF is simply too big and complicated to be wrapped up in a good fashion in just two books. There are too many characters, too many plot lines, and perhaps George prefers to leave the story half-finished, and be called a genius till the day he dies, rather than trying to finish it and doing a poor job at it. Perhaps since now he is a famous millionaire, he decided he would rather spent his last years enjoying himself, rather than work. But I've given up on the books aswell. It's been too long, and he hasn't done much other than empty promises.
  • @Jotari
    I wouldn't hail Tolkien as a particularly shining example of being able to finish his writings. He literally spent over 60 years writing the Silmarillion and never finished. Only real difference is he didn't try to actually publish any of that stuff. George R.R Martin is a far more prolific a writer than Tolkien.
  • @Sense008
    I have been done with GRRM for years now. He is writing lots of stuff and promoting that stuff, but he's NOT writing any AsOAIf. My Impression is that once he sold the rights fora tv series to HBO he lost any interest in actually finishing the series cause he made some big bucks of off it. Now that may be an overly cynical take, but it really feels like that given his extreme defensiveness about the whole thing whilst simultaneously not actually doing anything at all to actually finish it. I was underwhelmed by A Dance of Dragons. I did like seeing more of Essos, but the plots and storlines seemed rushed and bad. Even if he does actually publish the next book, I won't be buying it, cause I can deal with authors not publishing, but I can't deal with an author being so dismissive of his readers for not publishing anything. Two examples that come to mind are Rothfuss, who'se perfectionism has completely crippled his writing, which is frustrating, sure, but Rothfuss clearly is frutrated by this himself as well and Lynch, who just has major mental health issues that crippled his writing and again has voiced his unhappiness and frutration with that. GRRM is like "BUY MY NEW NON ASOAIF STUFF" and when anyone tells him to finish his book already he becomes dismissive of his readers 'cause they don't have any right to a book, no a book is a privilege. Yeah dude, that might be convincing if you weren't publising short stories every few months and promoting some anthology or other that you edited every single month and telling people to buy 'amazing' GoT merch. He does give the impression he does not give a fuck whatsoever.
  • @snarky-9708
    What I think is that he gave the rough outline and the ending of the story to the showrunners and when he saw that it turned out to be complete dogshit which no one liked, he went back to try and come up with something better, but ultimately couldn't and now he's stuck. I genuinely think that even if he does finish the 6th book eventually, he'll die of old age before we ever get to see the 7th one. Dude's in his 70s, he hasn't got much time left...
  • @iluvtacos1231
    I've not read any Martin, or watched the show, so I can't speak to that series. But I feel the same way about the Kingkiller Chronicles by Rothfuss. I've pretty much given up on ever reading the 3rd on :(
  • @PJOfan_221
    I picked up these books a few months ago. I thought that by the time I was done The Winds of Winter would be out. Nope.
  • @dima45ft93
    I think that ASOIAF will be finished someday. Just probably not by Martin😅
  • @markgarrett3647
    My only hope now is when the time comes that George is already chilling on an urn and WoW is still isn't done that he doesn't pick some writer that's got the same calibre as Dumb & Dumber to finish it.
  • @chibinyra
    I agree, I remember when this was just 4 books. =oD
  • @johnsullivan4049
    I loved the books, but I have been on the thought that he will never finish for the last four years. This is my theory: he gave his ending to D&D. D&D did the job with midiocre amounts of material from George and that was the result. George is fully to blame. Maybe he made mollions and lost interest and no longer cares. That may be the reason. Seasons 7 and 8 on the TV show were depressing because of the speed the story was moving. I dont care if my favorite character ended victorious or not. I understand it is someone else's story and I can accept that unlike others that lack that understanding. However I do care that things are done right. And in my view there should have been 10 - 11 seasons, not eight. Nice video by the way. It was all George's fault.