Functional Approach to Ketogenic Diet | Mark Hyman, MD

Published 2018-08-20
Mark Hyman, MD, Director or Cleveland Clinic's Center for Functional Medicine answers questions about the functional medicine approach to the ketogenic diet.

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All Comments (21)
  • I lost more than 70 pounds in my first year of Keto. No bouncing is sustainable, I feel great! today is my 480 day !!!💪💪💪
  • @deputietribe
    I have been on keto due to a traumatic brain injury that led to epilepsy. The ketogenic diet controls my seizures and has been dramatically helping my recovery process. I wish more people with TBI knew about it! Even if you don’t have seizures, it works wonders for brain inflammation
  • @myrhev
    This guy is probably the most sane sounding of anyone I have heard giving diet advice. For some, whether keto or vegan or whatever, it comes off as a religion. Edit: Who knew John Stuart knew so much about health and medicine?
  • Over 100 lbs in 169 days doing keto hell yeh it works no high blood pressure meds
  • @TamanaJ78
    The best way to get fat adapted and used to the ketogenic diet is starting with fasting, particularly 24 hours. Then go into breaking the fast with fat. I got adapted so quick that I don't crave sugar, carbs and food in general. I eat when my body tells me it's time and that's usually after 4pm.
  • @barbarajaneward
    I’ve practiced keto for 6 months now. Migraine headaches GONE. 30 lbs down with LOADS of daily energy. I am off of ALL migraine drugs, injections and hormone replacement meds. Add some yoga and giddy up life🎯
  • @terrywhelan6651
    Keto is great but with Intermittent fasting it's 10 times better. If you have insulin resistance/fatty liver issues you need to fast, even if doing Keto. You have to get healthy to lose weight, you don't lose weight to get healthy.
  • I have been 4 weeks with a personalized #keto diet plan and I have lost 7 kilos and I have to confess that this is hard to believe, it is really amazing to see how my body is transformed into something that I feel proud instead of something that I always tried to hide.
  • @EthanE3
    I feel so good on a keto diet. My body is slim again, my brain is ALIVE. It is like taking a therapeutic dose of some stimulant that makes you happy, content, and even.
  • @internetkukac
    This guy is just amazing! Smart nice keeps it simple but still detailed! Not cocky, he just loves to give all the information... also he knows everything 🙈
  • @EP-lm9rv
    Tip: watch on 1.5 speed instead
  • @teflo2
    I'm not so sure Dr. Hyman really understands the Atkins Diet. I was on it when I was a teenager. My family rarely had steak because of its cost. I just ate protein, mostly chicken and sometimes fish and green non-starchy vegetables. I lost 55 pounds in 3 months. The Diet is a low carb diet, which usually works anyway. It doesn't stress eating steaks, pork or high fat foods, it really stresses pretty much green vegetables, meat, whether it's chicken, fish or steak, minimal dairy if at all and little to no fruit. Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet (remember that fad) is the same thing with an updated name.
  • He tells us that he only recommends the keto diet sparingly and to treat specific health issues, but then he basically completely sold me on it. I understand that ketogenic diet has its specific medical uses, but it sounds freaking amazing.
  • @tinabrown7959
    I started Keto but now I have been Carnivore for 6 months 90% of the time. Feeling even better on Carnivore than Keto - so I disagree with Mark Hyman says - also meat does not destroy the planet - you have all been hoodwinked and even Mark Hyman has obviously been manipulated to. The environment is being damaged by cars, planes and industry - not from cows farting. We need to get cattle, sheep, pigs, deer back onto pastures, fields and STOP feeding them grains, this is not their natural food. Vegetables are not good for many of us - Oxalate Toxicity. Also his comments about Fibre are now being questioned. Listen to Dr Zoe Harcombe about fibre. Fasting is very healthy - search Autophagy and listen to Dr Jason Fung, Dr Mindy Pelz, Ken D Berry MD. The green juice he is drinking if you have a poor gut biome from eg. anti biotics, his juice is high in Oxalates. So you can end up with Oxalate Toxicity which causes many problems in the body - search Sally K Norton, Elliot Overton - both on you tube and they both have their own websites.
  • I love Dr. Hymen’s balanced approach versus so many who are extreme and don’t even consider individual differences.
  • @lynnlamothe3724
    Finally a very informative and educational and easy to understand video about the keto diet. Thank you Dr Hyman
  • @tinatalala4996
    We love you Dr. Mark Hyman, however when you answered the question about Being on the keto genic diet long term, you said that it’s only for therapeutic use and you use the example that you wouldn’t stay on blood pressure medication when she would shoot a loa being on the keto genic diet long term, you said that it’s only for therapeutic use and you use the example that you wouldn’t stay on blood pressure medication once you achieved low blood pressure. So you are suggesting that someone who loses weight, reverses their diabetes, should go back on the standard American diet? Gain all the weight back, and bring back their diabetes? Just because there haven’t been long-term studies doesn’t mean that commonsense doesn’t tell us that it’s working & healthier for us to eat Real Whole Foods.
  • @tanyasydney2235
    Why is Keto diet only a "therapeutic diet" if it corrects so many different health issues? And why wouldn't such a healthy diet be best for long-term use? I think many doctors are still afraid of it, including Dr. Hyman. Many people have been on Carnivore diets for 10+ years and are doing great, and Carnivore is a LOT more restrictive than Keto.
  • @bidnow2946
    I'd like to see the CCF develop a program for people on this diet over the longer term. A bi-annual blood testing regimen with particle size testing, DEXA scan, CAC test, general health screening, etc. I'd guess that the keto population who might utilize this [AFFORDABLE] program would also allow their anonymous health markers be recorded for future analysis.