My Problems with Modern Minecraft & Why I Play Beta

Published 2024-05-16
A bit of a more professional video here. I've wanted to make a short video essay type thing since last year on this topic and I finally had the motivation to do so lol. This is an opinionated video on my personal issues I have with Minecraft and why I PERSONALLY play beta Minecraft. I tried not beating a dead horse here since there's already a million videos like this one.

- Part 1: 1:05
- Part 2: 7:53

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All Comments (21)
  • @BonusCrook
    Minecraft is dead and Bill Gates' DNA is all over the crime scene.
  • @Lolks
    The biggest problem I have with removing fireflies because they kill frogs - They then made the frogs eat LITTERAL MOLTEN ROCK CUBES! When frogs eat magma cubes - they poop out a light block. How in the hell is that better than fireflies???
  • @karlo-lol5935
    "very long yapping session" lenght: 11 minutes. That is not long.
  • @eloqi
    Seeing Back to Beta buildings with modern textures is very confusing.
  • @masterdef2209
    The bloating of the game was so onpoint. Too many mobs and too many one-time specific items that will be forgotten or never even used. What also annoys me is structure generation. Structures used to be very very rare to come across in earlier versions, it made you feel alone and on your own. But now you find a village or any other structure from just exploring for a few minutes which removes the rewarding feeling of finding one like it did back then.
  • @rag.animations
    The part about the complexity and "meta" of modern minecraft really resonates with me. I remember playing 1.16 or 1.17 with my friend and at one point he said "ok let's mine netherrite, I'll craft some beds" and I was just confused. I'm really out of touch with all of these new mechanics like villager trading posts and it really doesn't feel rewarding to learn them just to play a block game. I currently play on 1.5.2 with my brother since it was the version of our childhoods. Yes, some things are annoying, like placing buttons or trapdoors, but the whole experience is just simpler and more welcoming, which is the exact thing that I loved about minecraft.
  • @Khorshel
  • @Vallee152
    The Mob Vote I believe is, yes, for getting people to talk about the game, but I think behind the scenes, all the options are mobs that someone at mojang pitched and then most of the team is like "no, we don't like that." So they then take the three closest to getting the thumbs up from QA and leave it up to the community which one is not scrapped.
  • @EmileAnimation
    i feel like one reason that i like old minecraft that no one talks about, is that it has more frames
  • @sanneoi6323
    What I hate most about moderm Minecraft is that they add all these mobs and NO meat types. We should have camel meat, goat, calamari, horse, all that. Literally give me those and I will never complain again. Need more village types and terracotta tiles and stairs too.
  • @ham8426
    "we didn't want to poison frogs" meanwhile several flowers in the game are toxic to cats but i don't see those pollen-y bitches getting removed. "also have this ugly ass pokemon camel thing that just sniffs up entirely decorative plants" while i agree the weird narrative focus that minecraft took after Jeb took the reigns was odd and set at odds with the more personal nature of the experience, especially in the latest few updates, I can't help but love the 1.16 update personally just for how much more interesting it made exploring the nether in a way that didn't feel too out of place but I obviously missed some updates from hermiting in 1.7.10 for so long (largely due to modding)
  • as a software engineer I can say you are completely valid in criticizing mojang for the delivery of Caves and Cliffs. it was NOT because programming is hard and is 100% because corporate bloat and red tape. I abandoned the game completely because of the management of those updates, moving on to VintageStory and other games. I only play Minecraft if I boot up a large modpack which I only do with friends and they would rather play other games most of the time either. "Minecraft is for the kids now, they don't want or need you anymore" is the message they chose with the 1.19 censorship update - remember that.
  • @clobzz
    your mention of bloat in the game is definitely one my biggest problems with it too, there is SO many items, mobs, features, etc in this game that have like 1 purpose (IF ANY, BTW) and most of the time that purpose is for something that has…no purpose, like something i saw someone mention recently is how we should get a cooking update, and they said this specific thing “we already have all the ingredients” and this, THIS was a prime example of the games bloat, like what fucking purpose do sweet berries and cocoa beans serve, why tf can we only make cookies with cocoa beans, this is just one example of the many situations this occurs in minecraft and i just wish everything served a meaningful purpose rather than just existing for no reason
  • @jimmydore5136
    I really think a big part of why people dont enjoy modern minecraft is the modern meta. I agree, the trendy way to play this game is all about automating everything and making everything as big and as fancy as possible. I find fun in playing this game like I used to back in the day, in my current survival world in the latest version I've really just been doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. I spent a whole evening designing a bathroom in my castle, completely pointless but thats the whole fun of the game to me I guess, just building and doing what I want in my own way.
  • @ajdude9
    I really think Minecraft could use an update similar to what the developer of Mosa Lina did - an update that removes a lot of the bloat, with some option to re-add them as an extra feature/datapack. Just as described, it could remove Glow Ink Sacs and replace their functionality with Glowstone - it could remove Sniffers which don't fit the artstyle and do literally nothing but dig up cosmetic flowers, and add them somewhere else as a rare drop. Cut the ruined portals that stain the landscape, make structures rarer so getting full diamond gear isn't a matter of walking 50 blocks from spawn into a village, cut the armadillos, the camels, the goats, even the pandas and dolphins that serve either 1 purpose or none at all. Even turtles feel ill-fitting to the Minecraft experience, because they scream of using the game as a platform to virtue signal for endangered animals instead of actually serving a purpose in the world (which is why killing them gives you nothing, you need to breed turtles and grow a baby to get scutes). The model of infinite expansion has been Minecraft's downfall, but not because of the flaws of the model, but because they instead have been throwing purposeless additions onto it instead of adding to Minecraft's core - Mining and Crafting. What use does taking a brush and brushing sand and gravel for some cosmetic pottery sherds have when you could just find a broken pot deep in the world to get the sherds, adding to the experience of Mining and exploring the world? Minecraft becomes unrecognisable because Mojang keeps throwing temporary additions and saying "LOOK! LOOK! WE ADDED X AND Y! HYPE, RIGHT? WE'RE STILL RELEVANT! BUY OUR PRODUCTS!" instead of making a better sandbox experience; they're not pouring more sand in the box, they're just throwing us different shells to put on our castles.
  • @jadesprite
    The desolateness of old minecraft was absolutely artistic.
  • I never understood why people couldn't just choose not to interact with those mechanics they do not like. In the end, Minecraft is whatever you want it to be, but this video helped me realize that self-imposing yourself with such limitations by playing a beta is in itself the act of shaping the game the way you just like and want it to be. Thanks for your video, your ideas are super well exposed.
  • @aiden-cz3ss
    started playing beta again 😭😭😭 THE NOSTALGIA