Lost Media that is Completely Lost

Publicado 2023-05-13
Some content has gone missing to the point where very little has been saved from it or none at all. In today's video, let's discover some topics that remain mysterious to fans.

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  • Food Fight '02 because it has sadly been confirmed that it wasn't stolen. It was DESTROYED by the director.
  • @MKTB22
    It just breaks my heart when a piece of lost media is COMPLETELY lost.
  • @Gabtool
    Crazy to hear that Phantom Blood has been found. Almost. I think it’s only a matter of time before someone steps forward and dumps it if it really is the full movie.
  • On the topic of lost media, one piece of lost anime media that I would LOVE to see get found someday (aside from the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood movie) is the Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project collaboration anime that was only shown at a convention and private screening, and was supposed to get a DVD release, but never did for some reason.
  • As someone who listened to Ne-Yo music (especially Independence) and watched Cartoon Network, I am dumbfounded that Ne-Yo getting his own animated show on CN. The second premise of "I Heart Tuesday" sounds like Percy Jackson in a nutshell.
  • @sourdust6558
    The Goku in KOF thing reminds me of another piece of lost media, Ash Williams from The Evil Dead series was going to be a guest character in Mortal Kombat 11, a chainsaw noise was in the dlc trailer, Dialog between him and another character was in the files, and emails for the game had licensing info for Army of Darkness in it Yet he was replaced last minute by The Joker from DC comics, Netheralm has yet to release anything that was finished for Ash
  • @WilfredCthulu
    So I think now is the best time to bring this up finally. I am counting on this being the big help to find this. So I am the creator of a certain notorious adult swim iceberg chart. In there I listed various pieces of lost media from the network and I've talked about them a lot. The thing that by far got the most infamous on it though and I still get asked about to this day is the falcon punch bumper. To put it short it's a couple of connected text bumps from around 2013 or so with fans that has them and adult swim directly referencing the move and Captain Falcon. I've talked about more specific details elsewhere. I've recently tried contacting adult swim about it but never heard back. So now I'm relying on asking you to bring attention to it. It worked with the foster's bumps and I wasn't even trying there and care about those a lot less than this lol. Plus I promised others interested I'd bring it up here. I hope this ends up helping a lot and peaks your interest too. I'll go into more detail or bring up other lost adult swim lost media if anyone asks. Thanks.
  • @ShinyGBZ
    So happy you mentioned the Goku in KOF 98 build, SNK games aren't really talked about much, let alone lost media surrounding them, and I'm glad it made it into this video
  • @humza1707
    The weirdest thing ever is thinking about how something that was rare and desired as the Burger King and McDonald's toys mentioned in this video may have been landfill for a long time now.
  • @SuperiorGothBun
    Goku showing up in an SNK fighting game would have been the equivalent of Sonic appearing in Smash bros Brawl for Latin countries
  • @JamesLawner
    The first story was very interesting, and it’s very strange that no one after all these years had uploaded or wrote-down-and-posted-online that script or at least the network added a pdf of that script to the DVD release. Also, why hasn’t anyone tried contacting any writers from the show to talk about it?
  • @manbot8350
    Possibly the saddest and maybe even scariest thing about lost media is the fact that it might be lost for good. A few examples that I could think of are: Omega Weegee from MUGEN Mission Hill Original Broadcast (containing copyright music) Bollywood 2003 And possibly a personal one to me that I couldn’t find any documentation on whatsoever (a lost glitch from SpongeBob SquarePants Movie The Video Game)
  • @klonoafan2012
    Lots of mods for video games in the 90s and 2000s for quake doom and the sims 1 are considered lost media to this day as they were created for user host modding websites that have since been shut down in the later years
  • @pillls3573
    Honestly, as much as it sucks that Snatch is basically an incomplete episode we'll never see the ending for, I feel the abrupt ending fits the episode well, and the episode itself is great and funny enough that an abrupt ending isn't unsatisfactory or anything.
  • @yeehaw5889
    If you wanna go further than The Bottle, look at Sandstorm. It's something Araki did before The Bottle, and the only proof of its existence is a few lines from Araki himself in one of his manga guides, since the one-shot was abandoned and left unpublished entirely
  • @PluckyInc
    you should probably talk about how people on Bulbapedia bought scripts for the Pokemon Best Wishes Team Rocket vs Team Plasma double bill. apparently Pikachu was supposed to be temporarily indisposed while the Sunglasses Krokorok dug down to the Relic Castle so the gang could avoid Team Rocket, Ash completely avoids the Trio and Pikachu's electrical energy resonates with a meteorite; Ash had to let the others escape from the hole they dug, and he sacrified himself by pretending to be a lost trainer, while the gang left with Pikachu to nurse it to health. Looker shows Officer Jenny and the Gang a Team Plasma pin that he found on the scene. At the end of the Double Bill, James was supposed to be somewhat aware of Yamask, which hides before they could turn around to see it. in the actual show's canon itself, they just happened to bump into it, but James captures it easily because it just wanted some food. as for the animation for the double bill, a majority of it was repurposed for the Meloetta arc for the anime. EDIT: also, a scene described inside the script mentions that Pikachu was supposed to unleash a superpowered Electro Ball attack (which was utilized in the Meloetta episode), the character Pierce was not a double agent. Ghetsis' is shown in shadow (and named by the Plasma grunts). Cilan mentions the meteorite was from the Nacrene Museum (and mentions Lenora). the thing about the script wasn't that Team Rocket found the meteorite inside the relic castle, but that they found a chamber that had ancient technology which seemingly the ability to generate energy, to power the meteorite, but had no way to control said energy. because Pikachu unleashed a gigantic Electro Ball, this gave the Team Rocket Trio the justification to continue tracking it down.
  • @bluebaron6858
    The videos where your being AWARENESS to lost media is good. Please do more
  • Another unconfirmed lost media for the pile: in 2001, there was a contest sponsored by Embassy Suites where the winner would appear in a three minute Rugrats short. No one knows for sure if it was even made, let alone who won.