14% Of People Stop Smoking Just By Watching This Video | The Hypnotic Coach

Published 2011-09-11

All Comments (21)
  • You can get out of habits easier after a mushroom trip and get a different routine going, I couldnt even finish a cigarette afterwards because it almost made me throw up with how horrible it tasted.
  • @citb289
    15 cigarettes a day for 21 years, started when I was 11. On my 3rd day of cold turkey. Your video along with a few others I watched really helped. I wish everyone the best of luck quitting that sees this!
  • I'm facing the possibility I may have lung cancer from smoking 53 years. I have tried many times to stop. This time I'm going to quit . It's hard . I pray I don't have cancer. I pray for everyone who's going to quit. Thanks for the video. I'm going all the way this time.
  • @ExuberantGaming
    Please pray for me as I try to stop smoking from this day forward. Amen for this video!
  • @Caribou0115
    My last cigarette was 40 hours ago. Cold turkey. This time, I will succeed.
  • @Alpha16212
    smoked for 10 years a pack/day.. trying to quit... day 51 already :)
  • @drajayatri
    44 years of Smoking. Quit on 23rd.Not any problem so far. Enough is enough. Confident of kicking the habit.
  • @theBang4thebuck
    2 packs a wk for seven yrs now. I estimated ~13,000 cigarettes I've smoked already. Today is my Day 3, cold turkey. I got this!
  • @allieelectra23
    I want to stop smoking so bad . I hate everything about it . I hate the money i spend on it , I hate the way my skin looks , i hate the way i have no energy all the time , I hate the way it smells , i hate knowing the health risks that i'm taking , the coughing , most of all i hate how its making me feel older and weaker . I want my energy back . I want to feel like a kid again .
  • @aqua9079
    Ain't smoked for 2 days now. I've smoked for the past 18 years.. This time I'm determined to stop.
  • @vh8765
    I smoked my last cigarette on my terms January 5, 2018. I smoked a lot, for 37 years. Not even a puff. I’m pretty sure I’ll never smoke again. If I can quit, anyone can…
  • @peninachaya7447
    Empowering. I just quit today and I'm so excited for my healing journey . Blessings to all who want to stop <3
  • I have tried quitting smoking about 100 times, sometimes I'll go one day, sometimes thirty days, sometimes three months, and here I go again! I can't even stand the Damned things! But, once I quit for an hour or so, I start the same process all over again! Pray for me that quit one day! Thanks! This doesn't even fade my desire to smoke!
  • 72 days free of smoke. most of the work was in myself, but this video gave me a boost. thank for this .
  • I hope someone reads this. I smoked heavily for 35 years. Quitting, I thought was hard. Quit smoking, but got cancer anyway. Quitting smoking isn't hard. Dying of cancer is hard.
  • @cageybee777
    I was a smoker for 20 years. The last 4-5 years of those 20 I kept saying to myself that I needed to quit smoking. I was smoking at least a pack but usually close to 2 packs a day. I kept digging inside of myself looking for a way to stop. I also believed that I was a devout person. I believed that I believe in and fear God. Then, sometime on my 18th or 19th year of smoking, I found a video that talked about that when people set out to do something for something that is sacred for them, they are usually more successful than when they set out to do it just for themselves. I thought this idea was very interesting. I kept thinking about it until I ran into the following passage in Psalm 1: Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. After I understood this, I knew that I was contradicting myself. We can't say that we believe in God and smoke at the same time. I quit immediately after that cold turkey and since then I never wanted to touch cigarettes again.
  • @debranoble5571
    I have been addicted to smoking for 46 years. I have tried to quit countless times but sadly the longest I was able to not smoke was 7 months. I love Jesus and hate this weakness about me. Talk about guilt and shame. I wasn't really thinking about quitting but I woke up Sunday morning not feeling well. I missed church. Found myself not wanting a cigarette. I decided if I could get through the first twenty four hours maybe I could beat this thing. There have been moments when I came real close to caving in to temptation but was able to push back. It's been 96 hours and with lots of praying, deep breathing, staying busy, sleeping, crying and listening to guided meditations like this one, I'm hanging in one day and sometimes one moment at a time. Your video helped me. Thanks!
  • 18years smoker...My last cigarette was 6 days ago, cold turquey, third try in the last 5 years (record 8 days) wish me lucky \m/