7 Tips on Cutting Weight for Wrestlers

Published 2018-03-29
In this video I go over a 5 day long meal plan for wrestlers cutting weight, I go over do's and dont's as well as workouts

All Comments (21)
  • 1:37 Sauna suits have been banned in my district. A kid died from them. When he says be extremely careful, I reckmend not doing them. Its literally safer to wear extra layers to workouts. Just throw on leggings and jogging pants and long sleeve shirt under a hoodie. Be safe
  • @popsterz3839
    I’m in 8th grade and I’m 170, I want to be 140 before wrestling season starts so wish me luck! Edit: it’s been two months right now and I’ve lost 27 pounds. Weight right now:143
  • @jakbulanwrld
    i ate anything and stayed my natural weight and did good in tourny i think staying your natural weight is healthier and you have more energy
  • @juansuarez8302
    EVERY ONE!!!! Do cross country when school starts, trust me it’s not the same as running by yourself, teammates and your coach will push you, on the other hand running by yourself can be not that motivating. Trust me, even if your not the running type it will help you a lot!!
  • @maddiezach3451
    Take this from someone who got an eating disorder from wrestling...Don’t use laxatives or make yourself throw up...don’t overly restrict yourself for way too long. I cut 40 pounds in 3 months...but I never stopped losing the weight because I messed up my relationship with food. I barely eat anymore and when I do it’s only “healthy” food, if I eat food that I think is “bad” I end up making myself throw it up or use laxatives. You don’t want to end up constantly stressed about food, especially when it starts to not just be for wrestling anymore
  • @jakiemad4178
    Nobody gonna talk about how the video cut off at the end?!?
  • @vwgolf1991
    I’d always cut badly and competed in a pretty fatigued state. Maybe made it through the first match ok but was weak as shit after that. This advice really helped for my recent cut and after my comp last weekend I made weight, didn’t feel drained of energy after any matches and won gold in my division. Thanks for the advice.
  • @emmamarie6947
    From my experience steam rooms are also really good for lazy cutting when you need to drop fast
  • @coltenbean3075
    Last year I cut from 163 down to 145 and this year I’m going from 174 to 152. So I’m pretty experienced with weight cutting and I’ve watched like all the weight cutting videos 😂 but good video
  • @calebw4593
    yesterday i had a tournament and the day before weigh ins i spit for the whole day and barley ate anything and i lost the pound but i felt terrible the entire day
  • @thatguy5844
    I grappled at my natural weight for a long time (172 pounds). Thankfully I never put on any weight when I didn’t wrestle
  • @alphasaiyan5760
    My first year of wrestling I cut from 220 to 189. The next year. I cut from 189 to 135 and wrestled 140. My senior year I busted my ass in the gym and went up to 150 then cut down to 145 and wrestled 145. My best year. Placed 2nd in state. Did all the stupid shit to cut weight. Ran with trash bags , chewed gum and spit in a bottle , took diarrhetic pills , laxatives all the stupid shit. Got cut af at 145 lbs. 5% body fat dried out. I was 7% when I was 140 and felt way worse then when I was at 145 though. That was the year I did all the stupid shit but it works. I had 6 minutes of explosive energy at a time lol. But senior year I was a beast. Had my diet dialed in. My water rationed out every day. It’s what you have to do to be competitive. I remember a kid that was at 160 and already pretty lean. He cut to 145 to wrestle me and he was strong but his technique wasn’t on point. He should’ve stayed at 160 and honed his skills more before cutting weight. I think to many kids get hung up on the whole weight cutting too soon. You’re gonna naturally lose some weight during regular training throughout the season but I don’t think weight cutting should be implemented until skill level has reached a certain point because all you’re doing is inhibiting your abilities by cutting calories and wasting energy by cutting weight. Focus on becoming a skillful and well rounded wrestler first then focus on cutting weight. Like if you start at the earliest year/age you can. Hone your skills. Then at 3 or 4 years in train yourself to cut weight.
  • I'm a new subscriber and have never wrestled or had to cut. I grew up in gymnastics and was cutting as a way of life. But we stay hydrated. We have no weight classes but wanted to stay light and lean as fuck. Gymnastics vanity for the muscles to pop but staying light was key. I met wrestlers in high school who needed to cut and the were not happy. Great channel for guys who wrestle.
  • @jeffrailey
    Thank you, Isaac. I’m a boxer and your strategies for cutting weight are appropriate and effective for us boxers, as well. 🥊🥊🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💖✝️
  • I like how im sitting here looking up good diets and stuff for wrestling season and im also sitting here eating pizza and drinking pop
  • @camdendaley1015
    Not a wrestler but my brother was, whenever I saw him cutting weight it made me miserable. I’m tryna lose some for next football season so I can gain it back in muscle, hoping these tips help a little bit.
  • @saltypepper1911
    I’ve been lazy this summer and losing some weight before wrestling starts back
  • I hope this helps I am making my first cut and I’m only cutting four pounds and I have three days I am 85 now Edit 1 1/2 yrs later I was 2 1/2lbs over that time, but now I’m doing pretty well cutting 6lbs
  • @zejaba2550
    I recently joined wrestling and cut 4 pounds in 5 days i went from 156 to 152 ive also made sure to eat everyday and cut down on junk food and juice and soda