Scott Arniel Named Head Coach of the Winnipeg Jets

Publicado 2024-05-27

Todos los comentarios (11)
  • I hope Scot can coach like Bowness and keep the defensive style going , and get all the lines scoring more
  • @Melitonen
    I just hope he gives our younger guys a chance. We really need to start giving a chance to some guys like Heinola and Capobianco and stop giving so much time to guys like Stanley, Schmidt, and Pionk.
  • @ianleslie6971
    I was surprised he wasn't promoted by the Devils. But thought that Utica NY. Is a good retirement spot and being 60 he might have declined an offer to go into the pressure cooker of the NHL. But here he is with the jets. He deserves a chance But it depends on what he is given by the management 🤔
  • @JetsHub
    How do you feel about Scott Arniel?
  • @DWH9393
    Honestly good for him truly But he does have something to prove for certain at the helm.
  • Reading between the lines, I feel like perfetti is getting traded eventually
  • Good coach, bad choice. Hard to believe anything will change in terms of culture on the ice or in the room. The message to the fans is nothing changes. Bad message
  • Новая метла по-новому метёт. Арниэля брали в "Джетс" для настройки игры спецбригад. Если в 1-м сезоне его работы был прогресс, то в прошлом сезоне мы были в числе худших команд лиги. Арниэль не справился. Сейчас статус Арниэля подрос, но в глазах многих он остаётся помощником босса, на которого можно положить болт. Или вас ситуация с Дейвом Лоури нечему не научила?