"Confrontation in Shorom House: Abu Talib's pursuit by unknown people"

Published 2024-07-28
"Confrontation in Shorom House: Abu Talib's pursuit by unknown people"
After a breathtaking chase, Abu Talib returns home in a rage. He explains the incident to his family and considering the past incidents, he blames Hossein for this incident. For this reason, he decides to call Qasim and bring Hossein to Shorom's house.
But Hossein bravely and confidently stands against this slander and acquits himself. This conflict causes the tensions in Shroom's family to reach its peak.
After this incident, the Shroom family returned to their work and daily activities.

#Shorom #Activity #Hossein #Family
#Slander #Truth #Family #Battle
#chasing_and_escape #Story #Thrill
#tension #Scene #the_clash #Acquittal

All Comments (21)
  • This lady cleaning the kitchen is a big trouble maker 😡 calling the father to come home and sort out the trouble 😵‍💫
  • In my opinion, if Taleb should not interfere, then Kobra also shut her mouth. She is a troublemaker.
  • Talib doesn’t half take care of his own daughter. She has stayed with Qasim and Maniyehmost of the time.
  • Why's the father standing up for that guy when he's daughter doesn't want to marry him 😡
  • @elahudi5957
    Qasim, respete las decisiones de su hija. Habrá felicidad cuando se ama, sin amor no crece nada. ❤
  • Wasin, I'm in love with your family. Now, forcing your daughter to marry someone she doesn't like is the end of the world. She's the one who's going to sleep with the guy, and sleeping with someone she doesn't like, I'm sorry, is a bit too much. Let her choose who she wants to marry. That's the only way she'll be happy. After all, if she's old enough to get married, she's also old enough to choose her future husband. Look at ABBAS - the fugitive - the stupid thing he did. Should the parents be the ones who have to choose? Let your children be happy.
  • Да уж определитесь, кто кого бьёт. Выдайте замуж быстрее и постройте дом, ваши разборки надоели. Что у Кобры и Талеба нет своего дома , сидят у Ка сима?
  • @elahudi5957
    PORQUÉ NO CREEN A TALIB, ES OBVIO QUE FUERON LA GENTE DEL PRETENDIENTE. Y KOBRA DEBES APOYAR A SU ESPOSO. Felizmente aquí en mi país nosotras decidimos con quien casarnos. 🇵🇪 😊
  • Why is Mother doing all that labor ( digging)while Cobra sits around doing very little? Except maybe starting trouble?
  • How dare taleb ask abbas to get out. It his father's house. Taleb should get out as be is enjoying the free hospitality. Taleb seems very ill mannered and I'll tempered
  • Esse talibã e sem caráter covarde bateu no rapaz pelas costas e depois e a vítima devia ter mas respeito pois o pai da moça e outro não ele ele tem a filha dele pra zelar
  • It almost seems that women have no say and are property. Is this the way it is?
  • @ru2jazzy
    Family drama with dirty laundry being showcased😂I’m still in but they can keep this side of their lives private. However, I respect them being authentic and sharing what goes on in their culture. Much love USA
  • Qasim não devia obrigar a filha a casar com um homem que ela não quer, e mais, devia se envergonhar de ficar contra seu irmão Talib pois ele depende para tudo de seus irmãos. Seus dois irmãos carregam nas costas a família de Qasim e ajudam a criarem seus filhos que a todo instante precisam da ajuda deles! Abbas também é um garoto que depende dos tios e devia cuidar de se tornar um homem e deixar de ser moleque, ou ele acha que esquecemos que levou uma garota para passar fome no meio das pedras com ele? Garoto irresponsável que depende dos outros para sobreviver e se acha no direito de opinar nas escolhas da irmã! Ah, façam esta mulher Kobra calar a boca e aprender a lavar um piso pois não se lava jogando água...atitude de relaxamento! Por isto é tudo enferrujado na cozinha!
  • @dolores1384
    Todo mi apoyo y cariño para los señores del canal 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
  • I don’t know why either boy would want to marry in this dysfunctional family…. All they do is invite and invent drama
  • Todos tem casa,tem bom carros,tudo invenção, repete essas brigas de mentira,ele devem rir dis que assiste, essa comédia.kkkkkk
  • @Emma-tm1lp
    Mr.Qasim ,Respect your daughter Decisions. Blessing to the Family. ❤🙏