How to build an Expo Library using Native Modules

Published 2023-02-27

All Comments (21)
  • So glad someone’s made a video on this topic, I got so lost in the documentation. Thanks so much
  • @jjrise
    Love your topics for videos. It’s like the practical side of RN. Keep it up!
  • @ggchicote
    Thanks dan! My first approach with Native Modules. Even though I found it a bit hard - mainly the Kotlin part -, it went well. Thanks
  • Thanks for creating this concise tutorial. Wanted to know how simple it is to build a native UI and show it in a React Native app.
  • @Forfiter9
    Hi, when i am adding a native library which is inside the project how i have to link it to the module to be able to use it?
  • @kingdan-x
    My example folder has no other folders in it. Has anyone else had issues finding this folder?
  • @uniquity4082
    How should AsyncFunction work in a Swift module? I have been trying to fetch Apple MusicKit data from a function but I get an unhandled promise rejection with Error: Received 0 arguments, but 1 was expected. The only parameter defined on the expo AsyncFunction is promse: Promise so not sure what is going on
  • @edxmo2921
    Would it be possible to add android native dependencies to the expo modules? Like I don't know using a maven library along with your custom native code? Sorry if the question seems stupid, I'm just getting started into integrating native dependencies in react native projects
  • Great Video! Is there any way to run expo-module-scripts using windows OS
  • @dhananjay7513
    I have a doubt that's indirectly related to expo architecture, does Expo Module Internally use expo dev client for building project? Or if I decide to use expo module in existing project I have to add dev client as dependency, because I always get confused between dev client and expo pre build
  • Great content! BTW, If I would like to use this new approach and don't want to publish my modules on npm (even on private npm) do I have to use monorepo approach? Because it's not possible to keep those modules alongside app code, or I'm missing something?
  • Could you explain how to publish as a library on npm? please
  • @Raiwulf
    how do you get your profile under tab automatically at 1:59?
  • @alexyip4469
    Thanks! Is may have a way to use a C++ module in Expo native modules? I really wanna know about that! bro
  • @anseev704
    Weirdly enough, got an error saying that 'babel-plugin-module-resolver' could not be found. Fixed by installing it from within the 'example' folder with npm ('npm i babel-plugin-module-resolver'). Might be specific to me, but leaving it here just in case anyone else stumbles on the same thing.
  • @ahmedgameel7377
    When I try to build it using eas it fails with gradle error