Bernstein reveals reporting on Schumer wanting a frank discussion with Biden

Journalist and author Carl Bernstein joins CNN's Anderson Cooper to detail his reporting about how Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) wants to meet with President Joe Biden to discuss Biden's candidacy in the 2024 election. #CNN #news

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コメント (21)
  • @bkc1965
    The President of the USA is the commander in chief of the armed forces. That position should have the same rules as the generals in the military have in terms of age. A general is not allowed to serve beyond the age of 68. This rule should be for ALL elected and appointed federal officials.
  • @heliopolis
    I wish Biden would stop using that “When you get knocked down…” line. No one knocked him down (except his advisers who were keen on the debate.)
  • Boeing is not the only only one with the wheels flying off...
  • Democrats were ready eat bugs for this guy ole joey 6 months ago now they act like they don't know him.
  • My dad at 80 who was suffering from Dementia and Parkinsons thought he could still drive, he had no business driving he did not even know where he was. People suffering from age deficiencies do not realize their own condition.
  • Today's "Big Boy" press conference will be the next big test of his cognitive ability. His handlers have been doing their best to minimize his exposure to open question press conferences during his term. We may find out why if they let him face the same pressure that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faces in front of reporters.
  • The fact that their is "grave doubt" among the Democrat party and yet they are still publicly supporting this mess just in the slight hope that democrat voters will continue to believe the lie they have been told for so so long, should concern voters. They have no respect or confidence in you, and I would find that personally insulting.
  • @lindah1591
    I feel completely helpless as a citizen Democrat. I know We the people have no way to be heard on this issue. Every day is more dismal.
  • Is there a legal procedure for the party to force Biden to step aside ? What the Biden inner circle has been doing is ridiculous.
  • I’m angry at Jill Biden and Biden’s advisors. I think they are selfish in wanting him to run again. He simply can’t do the job anymore! Can we just imagine him in 4 years? He will be a huge embarrassment and he is putting his legacy on the line!
  • Joe said he was the first black woman to serve with a black president,lol.
  • What's halarious is if Kamala was as good as they said the dems would have announced her replacing Biden already........
  • This lady misses the point . Of course it is not impossible for Biden to win . The problem is simply that it is highly unlikely he can win, and that a younger candidate would be more likely to win once they got the popularity boost of becoming the nominee
  • "CNN, When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Get Your News 3 1/2 Years, Too Late"
  • Biden must step down. It is a matter of national security at this point.
  • Time for Biden to drop out from the race and give space for other candidates!!