Former Oakland Wood Street encampment dweller now in housing


コメント (21)
  • @PeterRoos
    "The most vulnerable members of our community" - that's language he learned from his woke social workers and politicians. Find a job and keep it down, and pay taxes and pay for your own home.
  • @MainADMlN
    Who cares if they're homeless, that's their problem. All of us struggle everyday to earn what we eat and to have a place. The only ones that should be helped are the veterans and maybe MAYBE people who actually just need a bit of help to get back on their feet. Not the hordes of lazy a$$ moochers and hopeless junkies who can't even stay out of trouble in shelter. These are facts.
  • @nando349
    How do you struggle ? Away from crime, unsanitary conditions, drug infested encampment and now have a place to live? This is what happens when one has no life, no accountability, no goals, and no JOB. Just sit around all day and night and c/o bout how unfair the world is to you. Its not a fair world, wake the F... up and get going.
  • I'm not really sure what the dude is complaining about?? Like they closed the encampment and now he is in housing as a result? How is that problematic?
  • Build! Build! Build??? They are not working. Can you give every single one of them free housing? No! The answer is go get a job!
  • Our tiny Christian Church adopted a homeless man. It took about 4 months and 10K to get him back on his feet with many of our members sacrificially giving to help. It was a painful learning experience. He was on drugs, had no car, no Drivers License, needed clothes, housing, and medical care but he finally got a job. Even We owe it to countless agencies (Catholic Charities and other non-profits). Plus him coming to Christ and having an adopted Christian family changed him. My vote is for each Church to adopt one homeless person and help them. Sad, how all those rich Hollywood folks can't build a center to help.
  • Why do Californians keep voting for gruesome Newsome time after time?
  • Without a doubt, this year will be worse than the last. I lost a lot of money last year as a result of bad investment choices that I would not have made if I hadn't been so worried about my portfolio. I kept investing, but I couldn't determine whether to start paying for a house. In the end, I sold my positions, and the house needed more work than I had planned. I'm not sure how long I can keep going like this
  • They should have to work full-time for housing like everybody else.
  • A community? 😂😂😂 get a job and join society
  • Now they have "new" people to take the place of our own citizens so now he's getting rid of our homeless . Terrible.
  • Oops, he is vying for the VP position😂😂😂
  • As someone who is homeless in Los Angeles, and have been living in my car for three years, I SUPPORT the Governor’s Executive Order. Granted, I’m blessed because I have a job juxtaposed drive a car to live in, gone are the days of allowing the homeless to just take over the damn streets, neighborhoods, beaches, bridges, close to schools and churches. As a homeless advocate, we have to obey the rules, regulations and laws. Now, let’s clean up DTLA, where the most crimes, drugs, encampments and lawlessness occur📚💯.