[FNF corruption reimagined unofficial Animation "Extra"] Times up swapped

Published 2024-04-13
It's time for a major announcement, everyone. I've made the tough decision to step away from Discord. While I'll still be obsessed about FNF, it's time for me to move on from this platform. Please take a moment to read through my thoughts on this matter, docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1UUrpAD61HkRDSpUNHA…. I feel alot of regret about some of my actions, and I believe this change is necessary for my growth.

With this decision, I'll also be saying goodbye to discord. It's been a journey, and I'm grateful for the experiences. I recognize the harm I may have caused and want to make amends. I'll be reuploading my past videos and releasing a FNF Video, "Flashback+Redemption," likely without music.

Now, it's time for credits:

- Special thanks to @canumvenati for the song "Times Up."

- First Rmm sprite by [link to GooberV2's YouTube channel].

- Other Rmm sprites were created by me.

- First Pico sprite by the FCR team, edited by me.

- All other Pico sprites were created by me.

- Background by the FCR team, edited by me.

That's all for now. Bye! 👋

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