Why do we have Pubic Hair? | BRITLAB

Published 2014-12-18
Contains adult themes. Greg Foot looks at why humans have pubic hair - investigating the hormones that cause growth, and the benefits of shaving vs letting it grow.

Footnote 1-
Source: pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/32/6/223.…

Footnote 2-

Footnote 3-
   • Video  

Footnote 4-
   • What are armpits for? | Greg Foot | A...  

Footnote 5-

Footnote 6-

Footnote 7-
Source: F. Desruelles, S. A. Cunningham, D. Dubois. Pubic hair removal: a risk factor for 'minor' STI such as molluscum contagiosum? Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2013; DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2012-050982

Images Courtesy of CDC/Dr. Erskine Palmer - phil.cdc.gov/PHIL_Images/08301998/00014/B82-0474_l…
GrahamColm/wikipedia/CC BY-SA 3.0
Nephron/wikipedia/CC BY-SA 3.0

Footnote 8-
Source: www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2011/12/the-new…

Footnote 9-
Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18586585

Footnote 10-
Source: Armstrong, N. (2006). Did the “Brazilian” kill the pubic louse? Sexually Transmitted Infections, 82 (3), 265-266 DOI: 10.1136/sti.2005.018671

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All Comments (21)
  • @CristiNeagu
    I do not feel that the disclaimer at the beginning of this video is justified. If there is someone who should watch this video it's the kids. This tabu on sexual education is a bit daft, and it is actually damaging the sexual development of teenagers.
  • @ellenspear50
    For me, trying to remove pubic hair always resulted in skin rashes and discomfort, followed by the discomfort of the stubbly hair as it grows back. Thank god I stopped that nonsense years ago.
  • @radhadas3339
    I don't shave anywhere. I figured it is there for a reason and I feel soft and velvety instead of stubbly and weird. And don't tell me it is not feminine how can that be when I am a woman and it grows on me? Silly❤❤❤
  • @erichb2249
    The bushy parts of your body is always acidy, it controls your skin ph. Long story short: Pubic hair is your skin's immune system.
  • the warning is pretty ridiculous. EVERYONE should see this especially kids. this taboo for sex is childish
  • @Thoran666
    Trim is the way to go - at least for me personally. I don't see a reason to shave it. Neither the time nor the possible pain are worth it.
  • @FondlesHandles
    Hence why I don't shave, I trim. once it gets a certain length it starts to tangle and turn into velcro.
  • @ze_rubenator
    Why is this not suitable to kids? That disclaimer at the beginning is bullshit, only there to please trigger happy idiots who are offended by everything.
  • @DavidAndrewsPEC
    Q: why are pubic hairs short and curly? A: because, if they were long and straight, they'd poke your eyes out! I'll get my coat.....
    I like how you guys tackle question that most wouldn't answer because it's an inappropriate topic. This video was well made keep up the good work
  • When people shave, it start to itch when it grows and people tend to scratch, it leaves the skin red and sensitive. I stopped shaving both my armpits and my groin area because of it, never again did i deal with intense itching and pain, and blisters. Shaving is a big no for me.
  • Generally, women don't think about the scientific pros and cons of shaving it off - we think of the social standards :/
  • @PoseidonXIII
    Very insightful video, I'm glad to see that you guys view such topics as just as fascinating as any other science field.
  • @NormanMent
    Q: Why do people grow pubic hair? A: Hair can be seen as the watch tower of the immune system. Notice before puberty we do not produce as much sweat and fat, so infections can hardly develop, but after puberty, arm pits and genitals are full of hormones, sweat and high temperatures, the perfect place for bacteria and fungus to grow. Hair gives the immune system the possibility to reach out with more efficiency. Hairs carry small amounts of anti-bodies, which can anticipate the presence of infections. People who shave frequently tend to develop skin infections, as well as std's more frequently Q: Why is pubic hair curly? A: Curly hair is good at containing what is inside in, and cushion what comes from the outside since it's long and covers a small surface. It's good at keeping anti-bodies on the skin and slowing the advance of infections.
  • @HisCarlnessI
    First: Some parents may be uncomfortable with the topic being introduced to their children. Younger viewers, I would imagine, is a term that applies to those who aren't even about to hit puberty, so putting warning there is a non-issue. The warning isn't hurting anyone.  Second: Neither me nor my girlfriend cared about pubic hair when we were dating, and she would shave occasionally but I never required that of her. I've met a lot of people who practically freak out about it though. It's like people have a phobia of hair. 
  • @littlemac743
    Call me old fashioned but I much prefer my ladies to have a full bush. The mighty bush is very elusive and rare like a unicorn.
  • @danielthomas791
    ….I thought it was so Grandma could knit sweaters for us for the wintertime...….
  • That was a quite fun and ingenious way to present scientific facts withou oversimplifying. Congratulations. Well thought, well executed.
  • @vempriex
    I like these uncomfortable topics and I learned something new. I go natural and full Bush.