Attractive Face or Not? It depends on Tongue Posture

Published 2019-02-06
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Skull anatomy images provided by Kenhub. To learn more about the anatomy of the human body, check out their awesome learning materials:

If you're interested in this topic and how to properly "mew" (practice good oral posture and other habits that encourage good facial development), check out the Orthotropics channel:

One thing missing from this discussion is the health impacts of having good oral posture. Considering the airway is at the back of the face, having a receded chin or maxilla could hinder your airway, having big implications for sleep apnea.

Clarification on the title: I of course don't mean to suggest that attractiveness depends only on tongue posture. Nutrition of the mother and nutrition of the person during formative years surely play a very large role in how the face develops. In fact, the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration would suggest that; fat soluble vitamins being very important for fertility and proper development of young, with grains & sugar ("modern foods") being very detrimental for development and oral health especially.
Oral posture would be another piece of the puzzle.

NOTE ON SUTURE FUSION: I wish I had used the phrasing "these sutures are not completely fused together," or "sutures are not completely closed ..." It's understood that after birth, the sutures of the skull "fuse" together by age 2 or so. One study found that complete closure of certain sutures does not occur until as late as 70 years old. Another found that “The human frontozygomatic suture undergoes synostosis during the eigth decade of life, but does not completely fuse by the age of 95 years" based on 61 human cadavers aged 20 to 95.

This topic with a focus on facial development's affect on respiration and sleep apnea is discussed in Dr. Felix Liao's "Six Foot Tiger, Three Foot Cage" -

Another great book not mentioned in the video is "Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic" -

Weston Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" -

PDF of the transcript with links to sources:


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All Comments (21)
  • @WhatIveLearned
    Clarification on the title : I of course don't mean to suggest that attractiveness depends only on tongue posture. Nutrition of the mother and nutrition of the person during formative years surely play a very large role in how the face develops. In fact, the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration would suggest that; fat soluble vitamins being very important for fertility and proper development of young, with grains & sugar ("modern foods") being very detrimental for development and oral health especially. Oral posture would be another piece of the puzzle. On that note, Francis Pottenger's experiment with cats found that cats on a poor diet developed deteriorated facial structure by the third generation. NOTE ON SUTURE FUSION: I wish I had used the phrasing "these sutures are not completely fused together," or "sutures are not completely closed ..." It's understood that after birth, the sutures of the skull "fuse" together by age 2 or so. One study found that complete closure of certain sutures does not occur until as late as 70 years old. Another found that “The human frontozygomatic suture undergoes synostosis during the eigth decade of life, but does not completely fuse by the age of 95 years," based on 61 human cadavers aged 20 to 95. -See the linked PDF in the description for more details/links
  • @norp_1790
    Imagine being a twin and some doctors scientifically prove you are the worst looking twin
  • @sp5457
    And now I am super conscious about my tongue and feel like it’s a foreign object in my mouth.
  • @fredericp64
    This is astounding! I have been a mouth breather for as long as I can remember. Nose blocked half the time. I have crooked teeth and no chin! Today is day 1! Wish me luck folks! Edit : 1 year progress. First of all, thanks everyone for the encouragement! I kind of feel like the flag bearer for this video lol. Doing it for self improvement, you guys and for science :P So I shaved my beard and noticed that my chin has indeed moved forward!!! I'm no Johnny Bravo yet since the move is still subtle but I definitely see it on my profile side. I have been pressing my tongue hard while on my commute to work and back, so 40 minutes a day. All the while keeping the tongue in the proper position throughout the day. It has quickly helped me breathe out my nose at night. Did not even take a month! I haven't told the wife about my project so the true indicator that the job is done will be when she one day tells me "woa what's with your sexy manly jaw all of a sudden!?" Thanks all and thanks WIL for your awesome and life changing videos !
  • @TheLordofShell
    Can't believe I'm going to die as a virgin because I just let my tongue flop wherever
  • @AirLancer
    When you suddenly become aware of your tongue and can't stop feeling it.
  • @andorexurix2491
    This gives a whole new meaning to the saying “if you keep making that face it’ll get stuck that way.”
  • @sujoydas7598
    I saw this video 3 years ago. I had a pretty round face then, not many physical contours. I also had a double chin. I tried this technique. At first my tongue wouldn't rest on the top of my mouth. But after a week of trying, this habit became second nature. now after two years I can confirm it does work. My jawline became quite visible, my cheekbones have started to show(I would love it if it showed a little more) and I completely lost my double chin.
  • @tomstickland
    I was a mouth breather due to having a blocked noise from endless colds. It took me a few months to learn to breathe through my nose when sleeping. Essentially it was perseverance at breathing through the nose even when it was blocked. I found that within a few minutes the nose would clear and then I could breathe through it. I believe that improved tongue posture is going to benefit me.
    I’ve been doing this my whole life. The fact that I could’ve been uglier than I am now—
  • @matilda4664
    ya'll imagine going from a 10 to a 5 cause of some goddamn gerbil
  • @brandillysmom
    My son was born with several medical conditions. Among them was retrognathia of the lower jaw. He was treated since toddlerhood at a hospital university clinic for crowded teeth. Over the years, their plan of action consisted of pulling several teeth in preparation of bracing. I continually asked if pulling all these teeth would change his facial profile for the worse. I additionally asked if his lower jaw would get smaller. They said he needed to have them pulled. 2 of the teeth that they pulled were canines that had drifted to the front of his chin. Those teeth could’ve been saved by gradually training them while he was young back to where they should’ve grown in….. When my son was 20, they wanted to pull 4 more teeth….. My son had severe sleep apnea and nobody was concerned, so I went a different route. I called a dentist/orthodontist that specialized in treating patients with airway blockages that cause sleep apnea. He started treatment by giving my son a 3D cone scan. After fighting with the dental clinic to change their care plan, they refused to treat him anymore. I was free to see this specialized dentist/orthodontist, who spent nearly 4 years reopening spaces where implants could be installed. During this time, he also went to an ENT for myofacial therapy to help his mild Cerebral Palsy. Fast forward….My son’s upper and lower jaw was expanded, giving him more space for his tongue to properly place. He wears retainers now to keep those spaces open. He does not have sleep apnea anymore and his facial profile is corrected. Tongue placement is important…. So is having a jaw large enough for the tongue to rest and the jaw itself to trained forward.
  • @voltz8945
    Been 2 years since I've seen this. Been trying to consistently use my toungue to better my breathing and stuff. I think it works, and it's really useful for people who breathe through their mouths due to allergies and stuff.
  • @shumeiyang1024
    A Boy Bought A Pet Gerbil. This Is What Happened To His Jawline.
  • @topgtom
    Why does no one tell you this stuff before it’s way too late
  • @BlissOn47
    Then: You’re not ugly, you’re just poor Now: You’re not ugly, you’re just uneducated
  • @Vlexvnder27
    2019 is the year I'm gonna transition from being ugly to being less ugly.
  • @kevinleblanc47
    I recently had tongue cancer this video explains why I am having issues swallowing and my facial change. Thank you in a few minutes I understand now more than the doctors whom have been treating me thank you again for this video.