Everything Wrong With Ruby Gilman, Teenage Kraken In 19 Minutes or Less

Ruby Gilman, Teenage Kraken is a real movie, I promise. But it came and went and no one I know saw it. Anyway, let's do our thing.

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コメント (21)
  • @GabePlaysYT
    It's crazy how the trailers straight-up spoiled the whole movie. If you watched the clips online, it's like you saw the whole movie!
  • The issue is the fact that they legit advertised that they were trying to hide the fact that they were human, but like she's blue, and that isn't very hard to see. Wow, I guess the "villian" was a very clever person to find her "secret".
  • The mermaid being evil was supposed to be a twist? That was like the one thing they advertised.
  • It’s funny how so many flaws with this film story can be fix by just having the mermaid not turn out to be actually evil but no we gotta stick to Disney, and make the redheaded mermaid, super evil in the end no matter if our films story suffers because of it.
  • @Zyroes
    I'm surprised he didn't sin the scene where Chelsea looks sad for Ruby and the only people who could possibly see her face at that moment is the audience! That moment only exists to make the viewer think she really does care so that the creators can have their "shocking villain twist" later.
  • The movie confused me when I saw. How the hell was she “lied to” by her mom about being a kraken, especially since she knew she wasn’t human and they had all these rules about blending in with other humans. And she spent the whole movie wanting to be normal, and when she learned that she was a kraken she was angry because she didn’t want to be one, yet she ran away to find her grandmother because she wanted to learn more about being a kraken? They put zero thought into this protagonist
  • @garg4531
    "Fortunately for the GIllman family, everyone in this town is extremely Canadian-racist." Also, Canadian racism. ding But on a more serious note, that no one in this town is 'also' from Canada, has ever been to Canda, or knows anyone from Canada
  • “Electrically charged bioluminescence” they REALLY didn’t try with this did they? 😂
  • @videon6134
    Bonus sin for not sticking to the original plan on making Chelsea and nerissa separate characters like they were supposed to. It's true people look it up.
  • So they were like: You know that movie with the chinese girl turning into a giant panda as a metaphor for puberty? Lets do that but with a kraken and instead of RED we call it Ruby and give it a shitty villain instead of making the climax about generational trauma
  • Ultimately, my biggest issue with this movie comes from how unpleasantly squishy every single thing is. The movie draws direct attention to a specific subset of characters being invertebrates, which is fine, and yet inexplicably everything is animated as though their spines are made of gelatin or something. It's definitely a style, but not necessarily one I want to look at for ninety minutes
  • @Larry_Ibarra
    Cinemasins: A great way to watch movies without actually watching them.
  • @LunaBlueMoon.
    It’s amazing how I never actually watched this movie, only having watched the trailers, yet already knew the entire plot line
  • Never heard of the movie, but sea creatures trying to blend in with humans? Isn't that just Octo-Dad?
  • Narrissa's 'kaiju' form having harsh white seafoam for hair contrasts really well with her deep ruby-red coloring and blue secondary colors, I wish it had been utilized more. I know most of the character art style is a little... gummy? But the environmental shapes and textures were really wonderful imo!
  • @Camphreneas
    I’m surprised that there’s absolutely NO bonus sins for how much the climax part of the movie was spoiled through marketing, and maybe some parts after it. I always thought that the audience should find out themselves that Chelsea is the antagonist of the movie when watching it for themselves, not being deliberately nearly spoiled by the entire movie’s plot through its (somehow lack of) promotional adverts.
  • @bryan.austin
    This broke me. 10:55 "Earlier I said this movie is a coming-of-age story, and now she's swimming in seamen, and I didn't see that coming." If you need me, I'll be on the floor laughing about this joke for the next 3 hours.
  • @greenworkstu
    10:45 in real life, female angler fish are the bigger ones, and male anglerfish are very small. to mate, the smaller male latches onto the female, merges with her body, and becomes the reproductive organ for the female, so basically the small male kraken thing is a lot more horrifying to think about. this also implies ruby's "father" isnt her biological father
  • 15:59, it would have been a lot better if she actually were Narissa’s daughter with the twist being that she was working for Nerissa