My Cancer came back. This is what I am going to do and what I am not going to do.

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コメント (21)
  • I've often wondered, after losing my husband to his 3rd & final bout, almost 29 years ago now...he was just 51...I've wondered if this is how he felt..."come on, leave me alone" seemed like a freight train always coming after us...I say us, because it was so difficult seeing him have to go through it all again...he only got radiation & they gave him too much the first time, way back in early 1968, so he couldn't have anymore...after that, it was just surgery. He never complained, but I still have to wonder, what was going through his mind, other than surviving it. I'm so sorry Martin, this can't be easy for you or anyone else going through this...but, please, please, FIGHT...I have to say, my husband was a fighter...I think cancer makes most people fight...I want everyone to win the battle!! If some people decide not to though, I understand that has to be everyone's own decision & I don't envy anyone having to face that. My husband acquired his cancer through Agent Orange, when he was stationed in Vietnam during the mid 60's...he loved being in the military & wanted to make it his career...he was well on his way, when the 2nd bout hit him & the military medically retired him early...he had almost 18 years in, but it wasn't to be. Not one day still, goes by, that I don't miss him terribly...he was my hero for so many reasons.♥Blessings, Martin to you & every other soul going through this difficult diagnosis.
  • @my-4th-cancer
    Battling cancer for the fourth time, I can relate to your story. I wish you well.
  • Thank you Martin for your honesty. My pancreatic cancer has also metastasized to my liver. I only had a few months "in remission ". Forcing positivity is not helpful. You have to ride the wave of emotions and eventually you find peace. I am praying for you as you go through this journey again.
  • I remember watching your video when I was going through my first chemo two years ago. As you said all emotions are ok and eventually we'll get grounded from what we feel. Stay strong Martin❤
  • Hugs and prayers for you, Martin. I have stg 4 metastatic breast cancer and am doing well...for now. I'm two years after diagnosis and taking hormone blockers which so far are helpful. But I know that some day they will stop working. All I can do is live each day and try to enjoy it. I'm not doing any new drugs once these I'm on stop working.
  • I have been watching since day one, I got the good news two weeks ago that all scans show no traces of cancer. My journey has been different. At age 14 I started losing my sight, was diagnosed with Keratoconus. By age 42 I lost one eye after a cornea graft. A journey started, now 21 years later, I have had various times where my immune system tried to reject the organ and had my medical team not been so knowledgable I would have been blind. As I am already a diabetic, treatment with steroids etc. Just sets you back a lot. Then I was involved in 3 car accidents during this time meaning long surgeries, long time to recover. All lead to me falling into deep depression, being diagnosed as being bi-polar. Having the leftovers of a 10-year war added. Thus, been left with a prosthetic eye, back and neck prosthesis as well as all the side effects which lead to IBS, Kidney stones etc. Then the cancer diagnoses. Stumbling across you channel. I, asked you to do a video on meditation. My goal was to reach God through my Saviour Jesus who I met on a battlefield in 1980. Today I strive to know Him, be more like Him and use the meditation to be still and know he is God. It worked, now two years later I do not use anti-depressants, no medication other than half my diabetic meds, cholesterol (jip hereditary, suffering many an angina over the years), occasional pain meds. I realised faith ask my responsibility, so I am not overweight, eat properly, exercise. I do allow myself the timeout on those difficult days, but my faith and getting to know my creator better and better sustains me. He is my lifeline in times of darkness.😢❤
  • @head0fmob
    I wish you all the best, spend more time with people you care about, focus on the present, and lookout for promising trial
  • I saw you and heard your story a number of years ago and was struck by how brave and smart you were in how you were. I'm glad what they found is small. It's tough. I got an ovarian cancer diagnosis a couple of years ago. Boy, do I agree with not doing false positivity. Anyway, I won't go into my stuff here, but I want to say I think you are a strong and very wise person and I'm glad you are making videos. Going into the water and being around nature is so healing. You're very likeable and have such a calm and pleasing voice that I enjoy listening to. I wish you all the best. ❤
  • @qtredhead
    I remember all these emotions from my diagnosis, as it was a S3 diagnosis it was easier for me to stay ++ as treatment was ‘curative’ - but you still have the moments of doubt, negativity etc when you know the reality of the situation- and you don’t know much about what’s going on when it’s you it’s happening to.
  • I agree about the reality thing …. It’s is really a battle getting cancer . Mine has come back … it’s so draining and emotional. I’m thinking of you and sending much love ❤your way . Thank you for sharing ❤
  • I have stage IV stomach cancer with metastasis in my liver and lymph nodes. I was diagnosed six months ago and have been on the chemo rollercoaster since then. Thank you for your posts, they keep me grounded. Listening to someone who knows exactly what I’m going through is a great help. (FR CH).
  • I appreciate your discussion of your journey and your experience of this disease. I just came upon your channel today. I will be watching your experiences from the beginning. I am a 1 year from diagnosis Pancreatic Cancer survivor. Found by accident on a scan. I had surgery to remove tumor from tail of pancreas in May 2023. It was a hard recovery but I am back fully enjoying life. Best wishes in your future with this disease. Thank you for sharing your experience!
  • @wr9331
    I'm so very sorry Martin. Will keep you in my prayers. Wendy
  • I have stage 4 now . In my liver, r lung and abdominal wall. Inoperable.
  • I just saw you on my fed and I decided to follow you. I agree with what you were saying, you are a wise soul! Hugs and prayers for you! ❤
  • I am glad you are honestly feeling your feelings and I agree that you need to not deny them and work through them. I wish you wellness through this journey and hope that a tx will stop the growth and kill what is there. I will put you on my list to pray for you, that God gives you strength and guidance, along with wisdom for your doctors. Thank you for sharing this - I just came across the video. I am subscribing. ❤️🙏
  • @Maria-tl1lm
    Wishing you the best. And thanks for being so honest. 🌹🌹🤗🤗