A Philosophical Look at System Dynamics

Published 2017-08-11
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, Spring of 1977. In this lecture, Donella Meadows takes on a more philosophical concept. How can we bring ourselves to be aware of the assumptions we make as systems thinkers? She asserts that models are a set of assumptions. Donella Meadows defines some of these system dynamics assumptions (such as causal relationships and feedback loops) in this video.


Youtube videos covered by CCBY license and uploaded with permission from the Rauner Special Collections Library at Dartmouth College.

All Comments (21)
  • @Calikid331
    Who knew a lecture from 1977 would be the best lecture on this subject I ever watched.
  • @CoachKlipp
    I am so greatful to whomever decided that making this recording was a good idea and to whomever, many years later, digitized and shared it. She's so brilliant, and still so human. I love to see how she's as scared as I am about public speaking, but also too excited about the ideas to let that fear stop her. Am I projecting? Maybe.
  • @bawol-official
    Donella Meadows was one of the greatest thinkers and system designers to ever live. The book she wrote with her husband The Limits to Growth is a revolutionary perspective in the ways we interpret or design systems but also how we can use these techniques to save our planet. RIP ❤️❤️
  • @pgschuermann
    Amazing that we can watch this wonderful lecture in 2020 on YouTube.
  • @simonburi3293
    It is such a gift to be able to „sit“ in her classroom, decades after Dana Meadows gave this brilliant lecture. Her work, her attitude and her wisdom are such an inspiration. It is a tragedy she isn‘t among us anymore. Fortunately, thanks to these videos and her great book „Thinking in Systems“ we can still interact with her work and her thinking.
  • @currentsage3942
    "The problem is not where to start, but when to stop." Dana is good!
  • @exoliderazgo
    Master class of system thinking 🙌. Clear, dynamic and stimulating. Thanks for sharing 🤗 PD: I highly recommend her book Thinking in Systems 💯
  • This is pure Intelligence at work, simply marvelous. She breakdown complex systems in easily understandable matter. Too bad we lost her too early.
  • @serano5023
    These are the kind of lectures that we need to start with to understand a complicated subject like system dynamics. Shows a person with passion and deep love for what she does. it really seems to come natural to her. one of the best useful hours i have spent!!
  • @CFF2024
    She is so elegant and graceful! I like the way she drew the loops on the board.
  • @drivers99
    19:45 funny hearing that example since “induced demand” is probably a great example of system dynamics. “One more lane ought to fix it” says the laymen, politicians, and traffic engineers, but it creates more people to drive at peak times, more people to decide to take a trip in the first place, to live further away from where they work, shop, and recreate, and much more. In a few years the road is full again except the total vehicle miles traveled is higher.
  • @jtatgenhorst6
    Thankful for videos of Donella. I got to live on the Meadow's farm in New Hampshire the end of the 70s. I'll never forget how wonderful she was.
  • A rare combination of beauty, humility, elegance and acute wit. I can listen to this person ceaselessly.
  • @s.koileken369
    43 years old lecture. Amazing, thanks to the wonders of technology!
  • @CoachKlipp
    "There's another loop from population" laugter. Love it.
  • @i124qx
    i feel so sorry for her in the age of no internet ... but her lecture is so good that it taugh me the most about systems dynamics ... it was slower and gave me time to reflect. I use this to introduce my consultants on the topic.