Guy Gets Friendzoned, Then Goes To Jail

Published 2024-05-08

All Comments (21)
  • @Milf_und_Cookies
    Second story: That guy should've asked his wife to use her English degree to help him write a coherent sentence 💀
  • @cablebee8790
    Purposefully not calling your wife, who you have a child with, a mom because the child goes to school is so heartless. He’s doing the same thing with hobby/job language choice. Choosing hurtful language is just mean.
  • 2nd story. It's weird that he didn't mention the fact that they have a 7 year old that she watches, almost as if he was trying to portray his wife as lazy or something.
  • @Sapphvannah
    I am losing my mind at the man trying to roast his wife for trying to publish a book while he cannot construct a sentence to save his life. The only firm that man should own is a Mattress Firm, goddamn
  • Story 2: I was kinda on op side until we learned they had a child. She is NOT a mom for only 2 hours a day. She isn't a stay at home wife, she is a stay at home mom, regardless of the school schedule.
  • @agirlisnoone5953
    Ooooooh this 2nd aita. The husband IS an asshole. "Not a sahm" "her job is to do the chores" ok, who does the grocery shopping, meal planning, prepping, cooking, doctors appointments scheduling and chauffeuring, social planning for the parents and kid, clothes shopping, who carries the mental load of the home and all that it entails (that is a massive thing nobody talks about) who schedules dentist appointments and driving, the parenting, homework, field trips, relationship work, the deep cleaning, the organizing, the everything else besides the dishes and laundry? It irks me to the mooon when people think stay at home mom or wife only does dishes and laundry. I get it that the wife could tidy up and still do her writing, but the husband is dismissive and condescending and not supportive or understanding. He is a gross person.
  • @dawntreader1247
    for the second one i find it so weird that people were saying ‘writers don’t quit their day job until after their book makes money’ then say that her housewifeness constitutes a job. Because NEITHER housewifing or writing a first book makes money, so according to OPs logic either they should both be considered jobs or both be considered hobbies.
  • @Wh00000
    Regarding the second story; just because someone says they’re not mocking someone doesn’t mean that they aren’t. Lots of people will say they’re not doing the thing in order to deflect. It honestly sounded to me like he was absolutely belittling her aspirations. Rich for a guy who seems like he can barely write himself.
  • That wife using her poor daughter as leverage to get what she wants out of a vacation is really underhanded and extremely unfair to both her husband AND her child. My parents used to do this stuff with us when we were little and all it ever did was cause more turmoil and made us kids feel horrible in the end. No one wins when you use your children to get your way.
  • @katiukulele
    Regarding the 2nd story: I'm a single parent who's day is 7 - 7... I still get the chores done. The length of the day doesn't matter. You either do it or you don't and if you're in a partnership you work it out together. It sounded like he isn't in a partnership. He doesn't see her as a partner. He sees her as the housemaid.
  • @K.C-2049
    how come these aita things are always "my friend/partner is a spawn of satan from the 9th circle of hell who emotionally gaslights and occasionally also physically tortures me for fun, I told them to stop the other day and they got upset. aita?" also 🎶youuuuu're not inviiiiiiiited 🎶
  • @16poetisa
    You gave OP #2 too much benefit of the doubt. The fact that he didn't mention upfront about how they have a 7-year-old is sketchy af. He thinks, because his wife is only alone with the kid for two hours a day, therefore she is not a stay-at-home-mom? This man has NO IDEA how much work it is to parent a child, probably because he doesn't do any of the parenting.
  • @zm6342
    Referring to your partner as a "stay-at-home wife," belittling a creative venture she is excited about, then trashing her on Reddit is not a good look. While I agree she should be keeping up with the housework if that was what she and her husband mutually agreed upon, I would not want to be married to that dude.
  • @bear9295
    why are the reddit comments saying 'writers don't quit their job before publishing'. She didn't stop cleaning the house. She just got behind on the chores and asked him to help? Am I misunderstanding something here?
  • @antine1279
    A "hobby" takes time to turn into a job/business. Time where you do a lot of work, unpaid, to get something off the ground. You'd think that someone who has their own firm would understand that
  • @Adowrath
    Re Story 2: A "stay-at-home wife/mom" is a job and should be regarded as such, even if it's not salaried.
  • @Zarai_Numbers
    Man's wife is an English major, and he can't even write a coherent sentence, but he's arguing with HER over semantics!? And of course, he's WRONG! A hobby is something you do for leisure in your free time, she's not doing this for leisure. She's doing it to make money so it's a job!
  • Also it’s wild to think Florida=Disney. Florida is as big as the UK. That’s like winning a trip to London and deciding you’re going to spend the entire time in Scotland