My 600-lb Cousin Gets Uninvited From Wedding

Published 2024-07-10

All Comments (21)
  • “Sadly, my cousin was hostile towards the bride’s mother…so her invitation was retracted.” 😂
  • @elaexplorer
    8:12 Time blindness isn't an issue when someone is saying in your face, "Hey we need to go, we need to get to the ship." They were just being entitled. Time blindness would have only come in if they had turned around and said we'll go in a minute when the kid finally gave up and said they were leaving. Then they would be like, "Oh we hadn't realized so much time had passed." But instead they were, "Why didn't you make them wait for us." Putting thr blame on the adult child instead of on their own actions or inactions.
  • @Unic0rnSnot
    The cruise ship story makes me so crazy. I went on a cruise and the FIRST thing they tell you is “DO NOT BE LATE FOR EMBARKATION WE WILL LEAVE YOU.” Like literally. Every time we docked to go ashore, there was a literal hallway of staff reminding us what all-aboard time was, and to make sure we were wearing watches that synced up with the SHIP’S time because not all ports were on the same time zone. It’s so so so stupid to me that these people literally thought a whole ass cruise ship would WAIT for them. Like WHAT.
  • @LightslicerGP
    "Rabies, rabies. I will eat your babies" - daniel, 2024
  • @QuikVidGuy
    "Hey, you know how your mobility scooters are able to go over grass?" "yeah" "Can I rent one?" "where are you gonna use it?" "Over some grass." "FUCK no"
  • @antine1279
    One of the sweetest things I've seen online was a gravestone with a cupcake recipe on the back. The wife/mom/grandma died and before her death she asked for the recipe that everyone in the family loved to be engraved on the back of the gravestone so everyone knows how to make it themselves. It just felt so sweet and loving.
  • @theklaesgi6720
    My husband was in a wheelchair for almost a year before he had his surgery, and this person is definitely NTA. It was really tough to do even mild slopes and sidewalks with him in the wheelchair and he and the wheelchair was about 200lbs. Pushing a 600lb person plus wheelchair over grass... I would get about ten feet before giving up lol
  • @looseleaflyra
    just quickly on the first one, as a disabled person (not obese, just a cripple), i would be SO embarrassed if someone was asked to go OUT OF STATE to essentially babysit me. and the whole "unacceptable venue" thing is really fucking simple. you, as a guest, do not matter nearly as much as the bride and groom. the one time id say otherwise is if you are INSANELY close to the people getting married, then its like ok, maybe they should have been a little more considerate. regardless, op's cousin is a massive AH for many reasons.
  • @seabass819
    As a certified fat man, op is NTA, the reality is, there are things us fats just can't do, unless we put in the work to lose the weight. It's hard, and may feel impossible, but it's not.
  • @artwithjam3304
    I prepared myself to not be surprised by the surprise microphone, but then there was no surprise microphone, so now I am surprised XD
  • "She was a loser in high school & it isn't fair that she has everything" Kelly is giving off "once a big fish in small pond to big fish drowning in the ocean" energy...
  • @caz608
    Sometimes it's not about the asshole, sometimes it's about the songs made along the way.
  • @Unic0rnSnot
    Also, Kelly is a whole ass adult and needed to hear what mom said. Mom would be doing her daughter a disservice by sugar coating that truth. She used her daughter’s own words to deliver a wake up call.
  • @Mrs.Silversmith
    They shouldn't be mad at the kid. They should be grateful that they didn't have to pay for a third plane ticket. That's what he should tell his parents.
  • @p_3ater160
    That first one is pretty wild. They don't trust OP enough to drive the truck with the scooter but they do trust them enough to drive the cousin 🤔
  • @keiz_
    For those wondering, he did share the recipe to the cake in the comments of the reddit post!! I'm definitely gonna try making it this next week, and leave a comment thanking him for sharing it.
  • @OliveOilBird
    Watching Daniel judge random people on the internet makes my day
  • as a wheelchair user NTA, i can barely push myself in my chair on uneven surfaces and i am much lighter than the cousin, wheelchairs take a LOT of physical strength to move.
  • @NoImNotOkay
    I am so glad the bride invited that girl because she didn’t deserve that level of disrespect. She should feel like at least someone cares about her and wants her there. That man is messing everything up and he’s going to die alone and it’s going to be no one‘s fault but his own.
  • "I've never been married but I've seen a lot of rom-coms" is a wild thing to say 😂