Published 2024-07-25
What I'm learning about cancer is that one day you think you're getting better, the next day you told you're going to die.

All Comments (21)
  • @mdubb4855
    Proud of you for going through this with dignity and bravery.
  • Ed I think you're the type of person that will live way beyond the date they predict. You are a strong person. Be lucky.
  • The surgeon said you wouldn't be able to move your arm and leg after your operation, you proved them wrong..prove them wrong again eddy. Keep strong, love to you brother.
  • Thousands of people will die tomorrow from an accident and most thought they had years to live, like the song says”God made life a gamble, and your still in the game”, live each and everyday to the fullest. You’ll make the right decision.
  • @GwigglesNZ
    You have lived a fuller life than most Ed.... and provided entertainment to tens of thousands while doing it. You're like extended family to many. I wish you nothing but peace no matter what happens. The way you have handled all of this is admirable.
  • American author Mark Twain once said: "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."
  • @SlimGlynn1
    Eddie, i was told i had 6 months to live and get my affairs in order due to melanoma cancer. I was scheduled for chemotherapy but never did it. I got drunk instead for a year. Im still alive, and this was back in 2004. Get started with rehab on your leg and GET MOVING WITH THE TIME YOU HAVE LEFT!!!!
  • Many people have commented on doctors being wrong. I have my own personal experience with a friend being told to go home and get his affairs in order because he was done with untreatable stomach cancer. He wisely got a second opinion with the doctors offering a treatment program that saved his life , 15 years later he is still here and enjoying life. At least get a second opinion , it saved my friend. If he had listened to the first Doctor he would have been dead within 18 months.
  • i was given 10 years to live and that was 18 years ago Eddie................am still here.... just
  • 6 years ago I stumbled across your channel researching a Vietnam / Cambodia trip I was about to take. Been here ever since. We have never met, but you have brought me laughter and joy through your channel. This is making me sad. Please know that we are all rooting for you Eddie. Love from Los Angeles.
  • @dougm3037
    I was told by an oncologist that I had the same time left back in 2011. Wasn't brain cancer but the out come was grim. I just remember feeling numb after getting the news. Get back to Thailand asap is my advice. You have the right attitude Ed. Hang in there. I'm in Saigon right now and I'll keep travelling until they fit me for a pine box.
  • Keep fighting. A friend of mine was given six months to live fourteen years ago when he was your age and we’ve been to Pattaya together many times since, even this year 💪🏼
  • Hi eddie, im no cancer speacialist but my missus is as a oncoligist nurse. A few things i want you to consider 1) you have been terminally diagnosed. This means regardless of treatment, the eventual outcome will be the same, its a matter of time 2) quality of life, all chemo will do when you are terminally diagnosed is extend your lifespan, not save! Your time will be in extreme discomfort and pain. Chemo can also weaken your immune system and lead to secondary issues, such as pneonmia and chest related diseases. When you see cancer patients who are 7 stone, and gaunt and bald that aint the cancer, thats the effect of numerous chemo treatments. Chemo is used when the cancer is detected early and outcome is good. 3). Look at the type of cancer you have. Yes its the brain, but not something like pancreas, lung etc 4) wait 6 weeks before starting any chemo treatment, get a scan. If there is no growth then sod it, concentrate on getting mobility sorted, come back to thailand. Enjoy your last days like a lord. If you go for chemo treatment now, you will be sick, loss of weight, mobility will be affected
    This sums up the NHS. Horrible news over the phone! Don’t tell me, they carried out security checks to make sure they were speaking to the right person! 😡
  • Sorry for the bad news, Eddy. My Dad died at 63 and I know how unfair it is. We all hope for long life. I lost my wife of 44 years at her age 71 and that did not seem fair either. Whatever you decide, live every day you have left as well as you can and don't give up on life. Each day is a gift from God and we should accept it and appreciate it, as it is. I will ask God to help you and Bless you.
  • @Dmanz67
    So sad. Thanks for all of the entertainment over the years, especially during lockdown. Your videos will be watched for years to come.
  • @gansvoortvet
    Dear Eddy, I am deeply saddened to hear about your diagnosis. I can’t imagine what you must be going through, and my thoughts and prayers are with you during this incredibly challenging time. I understand that you were informed about the prognosis over the phone, and I am so sorry that the news was delivered in such an impersonal manner. You deserve the utmost care and compassion, especially now. To better support you and understand the situation, could you please share more details about the specific type of cancer you are dealing with? Each type has its own treatment protocols and prognosis, and knowing more might help in exploring all possible options for you. Wishing you strength, courage, and a better prognosis. I am here for you, and if there is anything you need or any way, I can support you, please let me know. With heartfelt sympathy and support!
  • @bryanh5684
    You are a straight down the line type of guy and what you needed was honesty and that's what you got from the doctor. Ignore those in the chat making unrealistic predictions, these people are only setting you up for a fall, they don't live in the real world. All the best.