Bill Maher Demystifies Socialism & Compares the American Model with the European Model

Published 2012-01-24
America gets stuck with bank bailouts and imperialist wars; Western Europe gets public transportation, low school tuition, and universal healthcare.


All Comments (21)
  • @yusnis4796
    It's time for American to Google Socialism and Communism.
  • @flimnap4841
    I'm tired of all this socialism. Take driving for example. When I go for a drive, being a rugged individualist, I like to take my own road with me. But every time I do there's one of those damn taxpayer funded, socialist roads in the way. And don't get me started about the police, or the military.
  • @It__From__Bit
    If you support Social Security then you support socialism, at least to some degree. Did you notice that the word "social" is right in the name?
  • @greenlime1997
    But Bill, in speaking this truth, you're assuming most Americans have the intellectual capacity to figure out these oddly paradoxical beliefs many of them seem to have
  • @danielholta5721
    But what we have here in Norway is Welfare capitalism. Marked economy, not Planning economy.
  • went to the dentist and had a tooth pulled today. my cost was 195 bucks. no insurance or government involved. left the house at 11;45 back home 12'35.
  • @markirish8907
    Great example that most Americans/tv comedians, do not understand what socialism is
  • @russbeers9613
    It seems a choice. In many European countries the income tax rates are way higher than in the US. If you tax income to 60-70% you can pay for many programs (health, education, etc...) but it seems Americans are not willing to trade a 28% income tax rate for one in the 60s...
  • Yeah well I'm swedish and I don't know why americans seem to think we are socialists here lol... We even rank higher on the Economic freedom index than the USA. We have a big welfare state though. And the way we collect taxes is that we tax EVERYONE at a high percentage. Everyone from cleaning ladies and garbage collectors to big banks pay high taxes here, 30-50% or more.
  • @loungejay8555
    European countries are not "socialist" as such, they are capitalist economies but they are much more fettered by socialist principle in some areas than the United States is, that's all.
  • @user-sf5iq2fl1l
    America is a brainwashing land. They have anti union videos on Walmart passjng to their employees, i was like: wahhht?
  • I love the religious video and as an atheist your video makes very good observations. Healthcare should be where we draw the line on capitalism. Our current healthcare system is becoming a cancer within itself!!!
  • @LinusFeynstein
    Bill should ask the man in his left, how to make money. Walter surely knows hometown fix the poverty problem.
  • @549BR
    Bill didn't mention our schools, roads and streets, state universities, police, fire, air traffic control, social services, prisons, and on and on it goes, all types of socialism. Yet, as he says, everyone doesn't like it; what they don't like apparently is the word.
  • @tannerpost9154
    European Socialism: Also know as Common Sense Capitalism
  • @TalonsOfFire
    I feel like the definition of socialism is pretty amorphous for people in America. Also comparing the U.S. to single European countries is such a misleading, inaccurate, fallacy comparison given that the size of this country is comparable to half of the entire European continent...
  • America isn’t really a capitalism nor is it socialism. We’re a social democracy meaning that we are capitalist but we have social programs. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare, and other government programs isn’t evil socialism. It’s social programs.