A Hearthstone tier list of every TITAN!

Publicado 2023-07-09

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @alonkob2127
    In my opinion Aggramar is the best titan. I can't imagine any Hunter decks not running it as of right now - any aggressive list would want the 15 damage face, and any slower deck would enjoy that ability as well as the card draw. At 6 mana it's 1 of the cheapest titans, which makes him a lot more flexible than some of the others. He won't immediately win you the game every time you play it, but that shouldn't be taken against him. Honestly, I think just the fact that he does so much for 6 mana and his flexibility will make him a staple in every Hunter deck. That's the main reason I consider him the best one: most of the other titans are either more situational or more expensive and thus less flexible. They might be incredibly good at what they're doing, but they still rely on certain strategies to be playable. Meanwhile, so long as Hunter has any deck that's even slightly viable, you're going to see Aggramar.
  • @StickyandBaldi
    mostly excited for the DK one for my triple rune deck, the warlock one since I have been warlock lately, and maybe the Rogue one but just because I like the challenge of trying to find a deck that works with card that seem 'bad' in the previews.
  • @lordcraven1397
    Is control priest really that strong right now? I’ve not really seen it much and they sometimes buff my minions with the location
  • @ujimass1799
    They should give the rogue titan windfury so that when it uses an ability it can attack too ,at least it will make it playable Also its voltron so it should have windfury on it
  • @damonblack1495
    I think more often than not a Titan only lives one turn. So my rating is based on immediate impact and potential game swing. I will also just listed the class because I have not learned the names yet. S - Priest, Demon Hunter A - Druid, Warlock, Shaman, Warrior B - Death Knight, Hunter C - Paladin, Mage F - Rogue Working under the assumptions above I place warrior a lot higher than most folks do. Because you are most likely to clear the board or create an advantage. It comes down the turn right after the rift and/or black rock n roll. It fits the curves of current meta decks really well. It's underrated. The shaman one is most likely a 6 mana soul steal without the life gain, a 6 mana lightning storm or 6 mana draw 3. I think this one is a bit overrated. It is good value for value shaman. But remains to be seen if this card alone can make that type of shaman deck a contender in the current or future meta. Blood DK is a current meta deck and would enjoy it's card. But it kind of does what other cards they have already do. It's more value and really solid. Just overrated. The paladin one suffers from why the mage one isn't very strong. Relies on living more than 1 turn to see a lot of value. It's natural fit is in big/control pally - which exists as a counter to control priest and hunter. I think there is a good chance this card alone brings it into main stream meta and if I am right about that the card is A tier or potentially S. I just hope that is not the case cause that deck is annoying af and would dominate the meta game if it's a slow meta. But for the most part we agree.
  • @NSDaishi
    which two titans are brand new? i heard 9 came from world of warcraft.
  • I think the cards that copy from your hand/deck should have the same limitations of all other discovery cards, because the fact that you can search in a more limited poll of good option it's already an advantage, you should not be able to get undiscoverable cards
  • Why couldn't warrior get Sargeras type card? How many years does Odd Warrior in wild need to wait for a reliable win condition?
  • @LobsterFishMC
    Tbh the priest and warlock titans are definitely the best ones - A 9 mana 6/12 with a free board clear attached and meme quest portal is really op, and then the priest one's just super annoying with control priest, especially with synchronize. My favorite titan by far has to be the death knight one though - that one's just super cool and potentially really powerful. Also I will note that every deck will probably be running a hard removal / silence card & weapon tech because of the hunter titan. I can imagine that the rogue/priest silence card, coroner, and reverberations will be very powerful.
  • @rhumek9016
    I think the Warrior Titan is a lot better than it's getting credit for, and that's because it could be good at answering other Titans that drop down in the midgame. If the Titans become the focus of standard once the set releases, Khaz might prove the value of his abilities real fast.
  • @digidun
    Only problem with Sargeras is Dirty Rat being in standard, because the fact that priest can discover your Sargeras is not a Sargeras problem is a Titan problem in general. Like preist can get anyone's Titan which IMO needs to be addressed. If titans can't be randomly generated then they should not be "stolen" by thoughtsteal effects and such. Like imagine priest getting the Titan form druid or a priest mirror where they get multiple titans form each other, its stupid and should not be allowed. Priest already has the advantage of being able to copy their own titan because they made the titan cheap enough to be able to play the titan and the copy in the same turn so i think this 'stealing' of enemy titans is going to be a problem not just for sargeras but for any of the titans and I hope they address this before the expansion launches otherwise these cool bug cards who everyone cannot w8 to play are going to become a liability. IMO only problem Sargeras have is Dirty Rat which might end up being played less since Titans are going to be everywhere and while you are happy to pull out Sargeras you are going to be less happy pulling out Primus, Argus, Eonar, Aman'thul etc. especially since titans have less attack then health which make them hard to remove with the light it burns!
  • @unowno123
    5:10 I have no clue why it can remove two minions? why is one not enough?!
  • @user-bn6ju5ip1i
    The S tiers are going to be really strong. I am curious about Hunter and Mage as well as warrior, these classes seem to demand support from other cards / expensive ones. Really curious how things will play out. I find the Warrior and Rogue Titan very weak and disappointing.
  • @samseward1374
    It’s okay, Zeddy. Rarran’s a hack and Old Guardian’s nothing compared to you. I didn’t bother looking at their tier lists.
  • @Dysphoriax
    Shaman looks great imo. It’s body and static effect would be playable.