Trump to attend National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago

Current Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump is set to be in Chicago on Wednesday—he says he will attend the National Association of Black Journalists Annual Convention & Career Fair.

コメント (21)
    Kamala Kamala Kamala is a not gonna go to the Black Journalist Convention in Chicago. That makes no sense. This is her opportunity to let the black people know. Why she deserves their vote and what she's gonna do for us blacks
  • All Hail PRESIDENT Donald John Trump .......your god-emperor!.....😂
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  • What's so bad about him going? At least he's been invited and is attending.
  • @joepropsnyc
    So people are mad that Trump accepted but not upset that Harris isn’t? People talk about having a seat at the table but want to refuse to sit with people that they may not agree with but could be at the head of the table? That makes no sense.
  • @sherryvt61
    Who the heck invited him? I can't think of a more wrong place for Dump to be at.
  • @o.g.Dittzxx
    Just remember that the same people who told you “Joe is sharp as ever” and “he’s mentally fit” are the same people telling you kamala is “great”. Creepy weirdness.
  • @y2kmadd
    Good. Harris has no interest in supporting fair and balanced journalism.
  • @gr803
    Everything that comes from the enemy God transforms for good Amen DJT 🗽🇺🇸
  • I have been to multiple conferences, people often "leave" for bathroom breaks or just plain skip "boring" presentations. If I were there as a journalist, given the absolute disrespect the DonOld has shown to journalists, and absolute vitriol he has shown towards women, I would get up leave in mass when T-rump enters the room. His achilles heel is attention, so deny him what he craves most. An empty room is a huge statement. That would be a powerful statement.
  • @O.G.Dittzx
    Voting for Kamala after getting rid of Joe is like changing your shirt after you 💩 your pants. Creepy weirdness!