The Battle of Grunwald / Tannenberg 1410 [HD]

Published 2011-05-04

Grand Duke Vitovt of Lithuania and his cousin King Jogaila of Poland decisively defeated the Teutonic Knights, led by Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen.

Grunwald, Tannenberg, Teutonic, Order, 1410, 2010, 600 years, anniversary, clip, trailer, film HD, Poland, Lithuania, Poland-Lithuania, Germany, Teutonic Knights, Teutons, Polska, Polski, Litwa, Jogaila, Vitovt, Vitort, Witold, Vytautas, Grand Duke, Duke, Niemcy, bitwa, battle, scene

All Comments (20)
  • @MajnaPelikan
    Kurcze, przydałby się jakiś widowiskowy film o bitwie pod Grunwaldem z dobra fabuła.
  • El enfrentamiento militar fue uno de los más importantes de la Europa medieval​ y se considera la victoria más importante en la historia de Polonia y Lituania y también es celebrada en Bielorrusia.
  • @anetadb
    It's our history and we are proud that we won this battle. This person who can't understand that is just narrow-minded...
  • @AislanDiego00
    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I can't wait to watch this movie!!! EPIC!
  • Aunque menos numerosos, el ejército teutónico tenía ventajas en cuanto a disciplina, entrenamiento militar y equipamiento. Eran particularmente conocidos por su caballería pesada. El ejército teutónico también estaba equipado con bombarderos que podían disparar proyectiles de plomo y piedra.​ Ambas fuerzas estaban compuestas por tropas de varios Estados y tierras, incluidos numerosos mercenarios; por ejemplo, habían mercenarios bohemios en cada bando.​ La Orden también invitó a guerreros cruzados. Veintidós pueblos diferentes, en su mayoría germánicos, se unieron a ellos.​ Entre los reclutas teutónicos había soldados de Westfalia, Frisia, Austria, Suabia​ y Stettin (Szczecin).51​ Dos nobles húngaros, Nicolás II Garai y Stibor de Stiboricz, llevaron 200 hombres a la Orden,​ pero el apoyo de Segismundo de Luxemburgo fue insignificante. Polonia llevó mercenarios de Moravia y Bohemia. Los checos formaron dos pendones completos, bajo el mando de Jan Sokol z Lamberka.2¡ Entre los checos que sirvieron posiblemente estuvo Jan Žižka, futuro comandante de las fuerzas husitas.​ Alejandro «el Bueno», gobernante de Moldavia, comandó una tropa expedicionaria.​ Vitautas reunió tropas con soldados lituano, rutenos (de la actual Bielorrusia y Ucrania) y rusos. Los tres pendones rusos de Smolensk estuvieron el mando del hermano de Vladislao II, Lengvenis, mientras que el contingente de los tártaros de la Horda de Oro estuvo el mando del futuro kan Jalal ad-Din
  • @Keylen
    fight on the westerplatte was one of the polish moments when polish soldiers had fought bravely in the war.
  • @Rumban7
    @vincentsoden It's a clip promoting 600th anniversary of Battle of Grunwald (German-Tannenberg) where united armies of Lithuania, Poland with squads from Rusyns and other countries crushed germanic forces of Teutonic Knights. Each 15th of July on the former battlefield there is a reconstruction of this great battle (one of the biggest in Europe in Middleage). It is consider as one of the greatest victory of Polish-Lithuanian Union. In fact it was somehow a preludium of this Union.
  • @DanyKatano
    świetna pokazówka, dołączam się do pytanie KIEDY POWSTANIE FILM ?
  • @Zadentai
    I want a movie with this kind of effects.
  • @Iceberqe
    yep, thats true. in Poland every year they are celebrating the victory with reenactments on the ancient battleground near Grunwald. what youre seeing is just a commercial for people to come there and watch the stuff ^^
  • Although less numerous, the Teutonic army had advantages in terms of discipline, military training and equipment. They were particularly known for their heavy cavalry. The Teutonic army was also equipped with bombers capable of firing lead and stone projectiles, both consisting of troops from several states and lands, including numerous mercenaries; for example, there were bohemian mercenaries on each side.49 The Order also invited crossed warriors. Twenty-two different peoples, mostly Germanic, joined them.50 Among the Teutonic recruits were soldiers from Westphalia, Friesland, Austria, Swabia49 and Stettin (Szczecin) .51 Two Hungarian nobles, Nicholas II Garai and Stibor of Stiboricz , they took 200 men to the Order, 52 but the support of Sigismund of Luxembourg was insignificant. Poland brought mercenaries from Moravia and Bohemia. The Czechs formed two complete banners, under the command of Jan Sokol z Lamberka.Among the Czechs who served was possibly Jan Žižka, future commander of the Hussite forces, Alexander "the Good", ruler of Moldova, commanded an expeditionary troop Vytautas gathered troops with Lithuanian soldiers, Ruthenians (from present-day Belarus and Ukraine) and Russians. The three Russian banners of Smolensk were commanded by Vladislaus II's brother, Lengvenis, while the contingent of the Tartars of the Golden Horde was commanded by the future khan Jalal ad-Din
  • Las disputas territoriales sobre Samogitia continuaron, que había estado en manos teutónicas desde la Paz de Raciąż en 1404. Polonia también tenía demandas territoriales contra los caballeros teutónicos sobre los territorios de Dobrzyń y Gdańsk (Danzig), pero las relaciones entre ambos Estados habían permanecido en paz desde el Tratado de Kalisz (1343).29​ El conflicto también fue motivado por disputas comerciales: los caballeros teutónicos controlaban los tramos inferiores de los tres ríos más grandes (Niemen, Vístula y Daugava) en Polonia y Lituania.
  • @worras2007
    Germany would not want such a film :)))
  • In 1230 the Teutonic Knights, a crusading military order, moved to Chełmno Land and launched the Prussian Crusade against the pagan Prussian clans. With support from the pope and Holy Roman Emperor, the Teutons conquered and converted the Prussians by the 1280s and shifted their attention to the pagan Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For about 100 years the Knights raided Lithuanian lands, particularly Samogitia, as it separated the Knights in Prussia from their branch in Livonia. While the border regions became an uninhabited wilderness, the Knights gained very little territory. The Lithuanians first gave up Samogitia during the Lithuanian Civil War (1381–84) in the Treaty of Dubysa. The territory was used as a bargaining chip to ensure Teutonic support for one of the sides in the internal power struggle.
  • The Battle of Grunwald, First Battle of Tannenberg or Battle of Žalgiris was fought on 15 July 1410 during the Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War. The alliance of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, led respectively by King Władysław II Jagiełło (Jogaila) and Grand Duke Vytautas, decisively defeated the German–Prussian Teutonic Knights, led by Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen