The Dishonest Downfall of Dan Bilzerian

Published 2020-10-22

Dan Bilzerian, The King of Instagram, an apparent professional poker player living a lifestyle that most could only imagine. From a military vet, to one of Instagram's most followed, Dan Bilzerian has certainly had somewhat of an interesting journey. The only catch - Is his version of the story congruent with reality? Is he as authentic as he says he is? What is the true nature of Dan Bilzerian's life? What's happening with his finances? Is his company Ignite going bankrupt? This is the rise and fall, of the man who built his life on a lie, Dan Bilzerian.

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, Sunny XO ❤

All Comments (20)
  • This should be shown to everyone who gets depressed looking at the lives of Instagram influencers. 99% of the time, it’s all fake.
  • @Will-oj3un
    Dan was definitely the kid in middle school “yeah I have a model girlfriend but she goes to another school so you don’t know her”
  • If I had a dollar for every time a trust fund baby said they made it via hard work and dedication, my children would be trust fund babies
  • @TheBigChad
    We rented out his penthouse a few years ago for my brothers bachelor party, he wanted 200k a night and we laughed. He kept coming at us with lower offers and his manager settled for 20k a night which is about what the top tier Las Vegas suites go for. After we left he tried saying we stole a bunch of shit, we did a walkthrough before and after we left so he dropped the suit. Dude is a joke and is hurting for money now.
  • @yamahaxs6501
    dude would have been so much better off just being honest: "my dad left me a bunch of money and I like to party". He wanted too badly to be seen as something he wasn't, though.
  • @Lonniebelle1979
    Any person actually making a living on poker alone DEFINITELY knows how much they've won and lost...
  • @1stMarDiv4341
    One of the recruits in my platoon (Marine Corps) was able to finish The Crucible on a clearly broken ankle. We were less than a week from graduation, TC was our final exercise (pretty damn brutal), so we banded together and helped carry his load and assist when necessary. Dude was built like a truck and had endurance for days, and he barely made it. None of this makes me an expert on shit, but having said this I find it remarkably hard to believe Dan was able to survive Hell Week with a stress fracture in each leg. Injuries like that aren't a matter of pain tolerance, but inevitably not being able to use the affected limb in any capacity.
  • The only thing worse than never having the money to live that kind of lifestyle is LOSING that kind of lifestyle. That he's losing/lost everything does put a smile on my face.
  • @XBlakeFreemanX
    Paying women to pretend to be interested in you has to be one of the saddest, most insecure things I’ve ever seen...
  • @newguycanada
    Its simple... His dad stole money, hid said money and gave it to his son who blew it all saying he "Made it himself"
  • @ckaybee
    He probably did not break his legs, it sounds like he had shin splints. This is very different, and not all that uncommon in new soldiers.
  • @danvez5656
    His dad had to serve 13 months in prison, he stole millions, shit I'll spend 13 months in prison for tens of millions.
  • Dan’s eyes betray him every time he talks. Imagine living an entire life filled with lies. So exhausting!
  • @yeezkneezz6861
    In SEAL training it’s externally rare that they roll you back to phase one if you are about to graduate . Worst case you get rolled to the beginning of last phase. A lot of his military training story is not adding up
  • I worked in a VERY large multi national company doing IT in London. Every Friday everybody would go to a bar and the sales guys would be there in their expensive clothes, jewellery etc. Every conversation was about how rich they were and how much money they make and 'let me show you a picture of my porsche' etc etc. Impressive stuff. However, I was a little older than the other guys and can spot BS from years of experience. One thing all these guys had in common is that they would always try to get you to pay for their drinks and the drinks of their friends. I litterally had one guy tell me how successfu he was for 115 minutes and nearly get his face punched by a maintenance guy who he told 'I pay your wages'. After 10 minutes he asked if he could borrow money for a bus home!! Another time I was in Phoenix club central London, Phoenix Street' with Kerin - a Kiwi girl - lawyer - who spent the whole time telling me about her money and lifestyle and expensive holidays and how her handbag cost £2000 (as if a man is going to be impressed by a handbag OR its price - LOL). At the end of the evening, she sidled up all flirty to me and asked if she could 'borrow'£20 for a taxi home to her Baker Street apartment ("where HG Wells had lived"). I said 'I dont lend random girls money but I'll buy your handbag for £20'. She wasnt happy. I then explained that she had spent the whole time telling me how rich she was and now was asking me for money? She wasnt happy. I could give more examples but basically, beware of such people. Whether they are really honestly rich or not, they are only interested in getting free money from idiots and that is how they maintain their lifestyle. There is no shortage of idiots who want to be associated with 'successful' people. Beware.
  • @Spartan_366
    Im suprised you didn't mention the lone survivor situation. Basically he paid a studio like 1 million so that he could be in a war movie lone survivor as a backround guy with a couple lines of dialouge but they cut his time down so he legit sued them. And the worst part is the movie was made to honor 19 dead american special forces operators
  • The fact he shapes his beard to make it look like he's got a epic jawline is hilarious I can't believe the comments are still going great after all this time 😂
  • @mikeypizZzy0
    never trust a guy who trims his beard to look like a chiseled jaw line
  • It's a very subtle but important slip of the mask when someone says "I try to be authentic" Authentic is something you just are, it's something you literally never have to try to be What they're really saying is "I try to make people think I'm authentic"