Pop-Culture Weapons Analysed: Guts from Berserk

Published 2019-04-20

All Comments (21)
  • @hammer_ttk
    It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron.
  • The title implies Guts is the weapon. Which is true, because his body is too big, too thick, too heavy, and too long. Its more like a slab of badass.
  • @Azazreal
    Guts leaves his groin exposed as a way to spook his enemies. First you see his mighty sword swinging at you, then he hits you with his metal one xD
  • @philllllllll
    Considering Guts is a lifelong mercenary, maybe his armor is made from bits and pieces he manages to scrounge together throughout the years. Thus the missing parts, wrong size, etc.
  • Guts pinned down? Dude the only thing that stopped him for any amount of time was the boat.
  • I see you have placed Guts in his proper category, as I clearly intended.
  • @SolarDragon007
    Berserk uses the "Monsters are monstrous" idea better than any other fantasy story I've read.
  • @Ninjaananas
    "Weapons Analysed: Guts" I guess you can consider him as a weapon.
  • @tobeymalone3436
    I love how giddy Shad gets when he gets to the Berserker armor, even he can’t deny its badassery
  • @weeamood9615
    Guts is a very straightforward guy. Can't cut something with a regular-sized sword? Just get a bigger sword. And a literal hand cannon. Can't forget about that.
  • Guts' balls were Massive, Thick, Heavy, and far too Rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron. they need no armour
  • @diosdong2010
    17:02 That would be a fair point but if there is one thing we have learned in berserk is that attacking Guts' mouth is not a good plan.
  • Funny Thing: Both Griffith's Armour designs (Golden Age and Millenium Falcon) have pretty noticeable folds. And AFAICR, several other characters use them. I guess Guts just don't see the point in bending sideways when he can cleave people in half. 🤣
  • @weeamood9615
    About the seeming lack of groin protection in Guts' Golden Age armor - you don't need a groin protection when you got a pair of cast iron balls that make a "CLANG!" sound when you walk like ol' Guts there does.
  • @khodexus4963
    The reason the helmet on the berserker armor is a bit inconsistent is that it's sort of semi-sentient and can open and close on it's own like a mouth, usually in response to how in control Guts is in a given moment.
  • @tiazoh
    Miura, the author of Berserk, died recently, Im literally rewatching every video on Berserk ive saved because it hurts so bad man. Berserk helped me though dark times, its stupid to say but this feels like a personal loss, like ive lost someone close to me.
  • @kurdtcoben
    One thing about Guts' Golden Age armor you didn't get wrong but forgot the context about: In the GA, Guts doesn't care that much about getting injured or dying. I mean, no he doesn't want to die outright but he's in a mindset where he just doesn't care and just wants to swing his sword because he hasn't found a genuine reason in life yet. So Guts wouldn't wear armor that restricted him, even if it provided more defense. He's also the leader of the mounted raiders so he's fighting a lot on horseback. That might explain that incomplete armor. Also, the "missing" fold on the Black Swordsman Armor and the Berserker Armor might come from Guts' fighting style which is all out attack with a rather animalistic movement, lots of pounces and full body attacks. So a fold would restrict him to no end there. For the Berserker Armor (which was not crafted for/by Guts) it might even be an intended choice by design since Berserkers were supposed to just go in (and eventually die) flailing and swinging and the armor took care of the injuries anyway.