ARCHANGEL JADE | Warframe Review & Build


コメント (21)
  • @lozmaster6441
    My friend said that Jade supports like how a nuclear bomb cleans a house
  • Only DE could tell us we’re getting a support and deliver an AC130.
  • @blueray2174
    Jade's 4 is almost everything I wish they would make Hildryn's be.
  • Also something you and other Yters seemed to miss which is fine because it’s not in her tool tips just the patch notes. Her 3 once it’s stripped armor starts rapidly stacking heat. So if you prime with heat inherit. You can get upwards of 20 heat stacks within seconds.
  • @GGChr0nos
    “If you don’t have augur reach and stretch then you’re gonna have a bad time, and that’s good.” I love when my adhd does this.
  • @UnsungPhoenix
    She is what i imagine biblically accurate angels to be like
  • Many thanks brozime, you helped me solve the "not quite right" feeling of my build!
  • DE really fused Trinity, Equinox, Wisp and Titania, good lord. I'm definitely here for it. Im actually gonna log in and get her, this seems like my new support frame.
  • @Unified-Codex
    I used Seismic Bond in my build video on my companion, the extra 30% efficiency is quite nice, might want to try it out! Great video btw
  • Nice to see someone use Boreal and Aviator, I do so on Titania now that Strength is so easy to get and Im fairly unkillable in any content
  • @freakinshow1
    Yess Got Jade and came looking for your build. So glad its up now!
  • @M0du5Pwn3n5
    Man, I really feel like I'm not sure how to build anything anymore. Suddenly full armor strip isn't 100% mandatory on everything, the other statuses have all kinds of benefits, slash+viral got effectively nerfed by the increased health pools... It's fun having less of an obvious meta, but it's also a little dizzying having so many options.
  • @khdo12346
    Is Galvanized Shot not worth on Glory? Or does it like, not work properly?
  • some notes on her 4th alt fire it doesnt take base dmg or multishot yeah even her own buff doesnt work on it apperently but i have seen people say it does work with her 4 alt fire also jade wedding dress stalker black suit i called it
  • Does the snapshotted strength on her 4 stay even if you refresh her 2 toggled on weapon damage? Or do I have to go out of her flight to get the strength bonus again when I have to refresh her 2?
  • I hope you'll make a video on the damage changes and your thoughts on the new status procs, etc.