Cholesterol Meds DOUBLE Your Dementia Risk (Protect Your Brain!) 2024

Published 2021-07-04
Cholesterol is made and used by your body & brain for many functions. Cholesterol-lowering drugs mess with these processes and lead to many problems. Cholesterol medicines double your risk of developing dementia, according to a new study.

In this video, I'll explain the study and give you the list of lipophilic medicines which double your risk of developing dementia. Please share this information with anyone you know who is taking cholesterol medications because it could save them from early dementia.

The Study:

The American Heart Association's stance on dietary cholesterol:
"Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 milligrams per day. The 2015 DGAC [Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee] will not bring forward this recommendation because available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol, consistent with the conclusions of the AHA/ACC report. Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption"…


Hydrophilic or Lipophilic Statins? (Climent et al.)
Lipophilic statins - atorvastatin(Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol), lovastatin (Mevacor), pitavastatin
(Livalo), and simvastatin (Zocor).
Hydrophilic statins - pravastatin (Pravachol), and rosuvastatin (Crestor)

PCSK9 Inhibitors Repatha (evolocumab) and Praluent (alirocumab) were not included in this study so we don't know yet if they will also double your risk of dementia, or worse.

Daily MINERALS you Need: (Discount Code applied)
Liver Supplement: (Discount code = KENTEN)

Healthy REAL SALT:

Proper Human Diet SUMMIT:
Real MEAT you Need:

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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All Comments (21)
  • @M.Campbell
    My cholesterol numbers were fine. My cardiologist tried to put me on a statin "as a preventative because it's best to never develop high cholesterol." I told him when he could show me one single study that a statin helped females with normal cholesterol and no history of heart attacks, then I might consider it. He could not. That and another incident made me never go back to him.
  • @KimberlyAZ
    I am sitting here sobbing. My doctor put me on Atorvastatin and I told her no. She told me you will be at a higher risk for a stroke or heart attack. I caved in to the fear-mongering and told her I would go on them. I am really angry that she did not tell me that there were side effects and I am chastising myself for not looking into it myself. That is not like me. In 2019 I began to feel confused and fog-brained. Then the leg cramps and the crippling fatigue & insomnia and then the confusion and dizziness. And then I got diagnosed with Insulin Resistance (and with your help Dr Berry, I reversed it and brought my A1C down to 5.6 and I am going to continue to work on it). It wasn't until you, Dr Berry did these videos on statins & their side effects that I quit the statins. I am so very angry. I want to thank you Dr. Berry for taking so much of your precious time with your family to get the word out on the dangers of statins. I wish I could give you a hug of gratitude.
  • @tcoon333
    I stopped taking Lipitor and my hostility and anger lessened. Significantly.
  • @mikevoll8822
    Been on rosuvastatin for 2 mo. (plus baby aspirin) due to mini stroke. Quit my VA doctor in favor of another doctor at the VA. At my first meeting with new doc, she WHISPERED to me so as not to be heard in the hallway; "Stop taking statin, could cause dementia." She also told me to continue eating red meat while avoiding carbs and sugars! My other doctor preached wheat bread over white and yams over potatoes. What a difference! (This happened 2 days ago.)
  • @s.beasley8926
    This information is extremely important. I was taking Lipitor as Atorvastatin and within a week I noticed memory loss. I started keeping a daily diary of what was going on. After about a month on this poison, I couldn’t remember my client’s names, couldn’t remember the name of my wife’s job, started leaving coffee in the microwave I heated for breakfast until I opened the microwave to heat dinner, couldn’t do memory games on my iPhone anymore after reaching level 9 but now couldn’t finish level 1, and started leaving my pistol in my unlocked car etc. I called my doctor to report my issues. HE TOLD ME TO BREAK THE PILL IN HALF!!! Wth? I told him whatever was causing this in a full pill had the same ingredient in half a pill! I have moved on to another doctor. Dr. Berry is absolutely correct. My opinion: DO NOT TAKE LIPITOR AT ALL! I warned all my friends 50 and older who complained about getting older and losing memory. Guess what? All of them were taking lipitor. You have been warned! It took at least three months before my memory came back to normal but it hasn’t come back 100 percent yet. That was three years ago.
  • Just had an appointment withy new doctor. He tried to talk me into taking a statin....again. I have tried 3 times over the past 15 years and had horrible side effects. Never again! Then he told me that he was having some knee pain, he thinks is from the new statin. I told him that he needed to get off that crap! 🤣 I showed him the book, " the lies my doctor told me" and he wrote it down to get his own copy!!!
  • @backspin6698
    I tried to warn my father about taking statins ten years ago. His cognitive abilitys quickly declined after that. When he died he didn't remember me or my name. Heartbreaking. I'm glad that more and more people learn about this. Thanks Dr Berry.
  • @jimmyroos1677
    Been on Crestor for 20 year's no sides effects I'm completely fine.
  • Dr. Berry, Thanks for keeping your eyes open for us civilians! 😁👍🥰
  • I had my yearly healthy check up 4 days ago. I told my dr I did not need a refill on my creator. Told her I quit taking them 6 months ago starting a ketovore diet, heavy meat. She just smiled and made no comment. I was so ready to defend my decision. I also took a list of additional test I wanted and she agreed to all of them. I truly believe my dr knows the health benefits of keto/ carnivore diet but is restricted by insurance and big pharma.
  • Even if statins were to prevent me from having a heart attack, I would still refuse to take them as I prefer to die from a heart attack than wither away slowly with dementia!
  • @banditbaker1675
    Thank you Dr Berry for your bravery in standing up for truth in health care👍👍
  • @johnford5568
    Eating processed grains, processed sugars, and processed oils and expecting big pharma to save you is utter insanity.
  • @tke2414
    Yup, got off of Atorvostatin a couple of months ago. I haven't told my cardiologist yet, but my blood work is stellar which is all I care about. Proper ketogenic diet and a 2 mile walk every morning and I feel 10 years younger and after dropping 110 lbs, I look 30 years younger.
  • @MegaSkyline69
    I showed my father this video. He has now stopped taking his atorvastatin and is contacting his doctor in the morning. Thanks Doc. You've changed my life over the past year and now it looks like you're doing the same for my father.
  • This is fantastic news, Dr Berry. 1/5th of my dear ones — some 40s to 60 pluses — in the church are on this statins and seeking my prayers for their lapsing memory and serious signs of dementia. I love them and do pray for them. Your advice in this clip has given me a great resource to share with these people with much more love,
  • @arwenhardy1995
    My mother took statins for many years and passed away with Alzheimer's in 2015. We have such a strong family history of this disease. My cardiologist wrote ME a script for a statin a few months ago and I threw it in the trash.
  • my mother in law was prescribed a statin not because of cholesterol but because she has a blood clotting disorder and kept developing clots.. didnt react well to the blood thinning meds and the statin seemed to work.. until about a year later she had a stroke.. and then 4 more strokes within a year. She was so physically strong that she has survived all these strokes but she is gone mentally. Theres no one there anymore and shes alone in a nursing home, always locked down due to covid. . Shes only 70. They finally decided to take her off the statins and she hasnt had a single stroke problem in the year since but its too late. I really feel it was the statins that caused her strokes, exacerbated her issues. Before she took them she was a very loud strong willed woman and now shes a shell. we are heartboken.
  • @banburypandora
    i took my elderly hubby off statins when he began showing alot of dementia hes doing very well now
  • @rascal0175
    Took this message to heart, no pun intended. Just had my annual check-up after having 5 stints put in my heart last year. The Dr. changed my meds to Crestor without hesitation based on this study. He pushed to insure that I take them. I told him “Sure, I just want a different flavor.” It worked. Thanks for posting this video.