Bill Irvine on how the ancient philosophy of stoicism can help build resilience ...Brave New World

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In the first episode of our second season, Evgeny talks to professor Bill Irvine, an expert on stoicism whose books have democratised the ancient wisdom of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius for a new generation which, he says, can benefit from it greatly. The two discuss:
· The unexpected success of his books and the “stoic renaissance” in the 21st century.
· What it actually means to be a stoic and how this helps us rise to different challenges.
· The core techniques of stoicism explored in his book The Stoic Challenge.
· Stoicism as an antidote to offence-taking.
· How stoicism helps us reframe setbacks as opportunities.
· What Seneca would have to say about free speech on college campuses.
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